Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Penetrating Pool Deck Paver Sealers, Solvent Based Pool Deck Paver Sealers and Water Based Acrylic Pool Deck Paver Sealers Formulated for Both Pool Deck Pavers and Pool Deck Pavers

Looking for a penetrating pool deck paver sealer, solvent based pool deck paver sealer, or water based acrylic pool deck paver sealer for a natural, matte, low gloss, or high gloss wet look finish, then Foundation Armor has a pool deck paver sealer specifically formulated for your project!

Finding a pool deck paver sealer for your pavers that will truly seal your pavers and keep them safe from the elements as well as wear and tear is easy and quick at Foundation Armor, we formulate and manufacture several types of pool deck paver sealers that can be used to seal pavers of all types, ages and conditions. The best pool deck pool deck paver sealer for your pavers will depend on what you want your pavers to look like once sealed, and what you need your pool deck paver sealer to offer in terms of performance with regards to wear and tear.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer

When it comes to pool deck paver sealers, there are a few things to consider. First, you want to consider the age of your pavers, and second, you want to consider what you currently have down for a pool deck paver sealer if your pavers are currently sealed. If you don’t know what type of pool deck paver sealer is currently applied than there are some general paver sealing guidelines that will help you determine what is the best pool deck paver sealer for the project.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer and Your Paver Age

It is important when choosing a pool deck paver sealer for your pool deck pavers to follow the recommendations of your paver manufacturer when it comes to sealing your pavers. While some pavers can be sealed shortly after install, other pavers can’t be sealed for as long as one year after install. Most of the time this has to do with the PH of the pavers, but other factors prevent the pavers from being able to be sealed just after install to. If you seal outside of the paver manufacturer’s suggested guidelines, it may result in sealer failure. If your pavers are over a year old, typically this isn’t an issue.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer and Previously Applied Pool Deck Pool Deck Paver Sealers

If your pavers are not sealed, and haven’t been sealed in the past, you can use any pool deck paver sealer you’d like. If your pavers have been previously sealed however, you want to make sure the new pool deck pool deck paver sealer is compatible with the old pool deck paver sealer.

  • Water Repellent Pool Deck Paver Sealer – If your pavers were previously sealed with a water repellent pool deck paver sealer like the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB, you can recoat with a water repellent sealer, or you can switch to an acrylic pool deck paver sealer. If you are using a water-based water repellent or a water-based acrylic sealer, it is important to make sure that the old water repellent sealer is no longer beading water. If the old water repellent pool deck paver sealer beads water, or reduces or slows the absorption of water, it will reject the water-based sealer and cause sealer failure. For this reason, it is always best to apply the product to a test area first to verify if it will penetrate, react, and bond to the paver surface.
  • Acrylic Pool Deck Paver Sealer – A good rule of thumb is if you have a water-based acrylic pool deck paver sealer down, you want to recoat with a water-based pool deck paver sealer; if you have a solvent-based acrylic sealer down, you want to recoat with a solvent-based acrylic pool deck paver sealer. If you want to switch from a water-based pool deck paver sealer to a solvent-based pool deck paver sealer, or a solvent-based pool deck paver sealer to a water-based pool deck paver sealer, the old pool deck paver sealer may have to be removed. It is best to contact a Foundation Armor technician first if this is something you are considering so that they can best advise you on what to do.
  • Pool Deck Paver Densifier Sealer – If a densifier like the Armor S2000 and Armor L3000 were previously used on your pavers, you can recoat with a water repellent pool deck paver sealer or an acrylic pool deck paver sealer so long as it has been at least 7 days since you applied the densifier sealer.
  • Pavers Coated with Urethane, Paint, or Other Type of Coating – The two best types of pool deck paver sealers are water based repellent sealers and acrylic sealers. If you previously used a paint, urethane or epoxy coating, or other type of coating, you may need to contact the manufacturer of that coating so they can best advise you on re-coat or removal options.

As previously mentioned, if your pavers aren’t currently sealed, you have the freedom to choose any pool deck paver sealer. The pool deck paver sealer that is best for your pavers will depend on what you want your pavers to look like once sealed, and what you need your pool deck paver sealer to offer with regards to performance.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – What do you Want Your Pool Deck Paver Sealer to Accomplish With Regards to Overall Look? It’s Easy Choose Your Pool Deck Paver Sealer, Let’s Decide!

Natural or Wet Look Pool Deck Paver Sealers

Natural Pool Deck Paver Sealer Look

If you like the look of your unsealed pavers and don’t want to maintain a film or coating but still want a high-performance pool deck paver sealer to protect your pavers, increase their lifespan, and keep them looking great for years to come, then a penetrating sealer like the Armor SX5000 WB or Armor SX5000 are best for your pavers. Foundation Armor water repellent sealers work entirely below the surface and will reduce the absorption of water by up to 95%. Damage and deterioration such as cracking, spalling, and the growth of mold and mildew will be reduced using these pool deck paver sealers. These are great sealers for pavers that need protection without enhancement. The Armor SX5000 is a solvent-based penetrating pool deck paver sealer and the Armor SX5000 WB is a water-based penetrating pool deck paver sealer. While both offer the same look and performance benefits, the Armor SX5000 WB water-based pool deck paver sealer tends to be a popular choice simply because it is easy to apply and is low odor.

Wet Look Pool Deck Paver Sealers

If you like the look of your pavers when they are wet, then you want a wet look sealer. Wet look sealers are designed to darken the natural color of your pavers, giving them a similar appearance to being wet and bringing out the natural colors into a more deep and rich appearance. At Foundation Armor we have both gloss and matte finish sealers for your pavers.

Pool Deck Paver Sealers for Matte Wet Look

If you don’t want a surface film and if you would prefer a matte wet look to your pavers, the Armor WL550 is a great option. The Amor WL550 behaves much like a water repellent sealer and offers many of the same benefits.

Pool Deck Paver Sealers for Low Gloss Wet Look

For a low gloss finish, the Armor AR350 is a popular choice, and for a high gloss finish. Acrylic pool deck paver sealers like the Armor AR350 will leave a visible surface film.

Pool Deck Paver Sealers for High Gloss Wet Look – For a high gloss finish the Armor AR500 is a popular choice. Acrylic pool deck paver sealers like the Armor AR500 will leave a visible surface film.

Low or High Gloss Pool Deck Paver Sealers

Low Gloss Pool Deck Paver Sealers and High Gloss Pool Deck Paver Sealers

If you are looking for a low to high gloss finish then you want an acrylic pool deck paver sealer. Acrylic sealers are designed to leave a visible surface film that will both enhance and protect paver surfaces. Solvent-based pool deck paver sealers like the Armor AR350 and Armor AR500 will darken the color of the pavers to make them look wet, and water-based pool deck paver sealers like the Armor WB15 and Armor WB25 will provide a low to high gloss finish without darkening the color of the surface. While some color enhancement may occur with a water-based acrylic pool deck paver sealer, the color enhancement is minimal. For a low gloss pool deck paver sealer you want to consider the Armor AR350 or Armor WB15, and for high gloss pool deck paver sealer you want to consider the Armor AR500 or Armor WB25.

Deciding Between Water Based Acrylic Pool Deck Paver Sealers & Solvent Based Acrylic Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Beyond the Look!

In addition to what a water-based acrylic pool deck paver sealer and solvent-based acrylic pool deck paver sealer can offer in terms of look, other differences exist between the two types of pool deck paver sealers and may play a role in your decision to choose one pool deck paver sealer or the other.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Odor

First, is odor. Solvent-based pool deck paver sealers do have an odor. While the odor will go away once the solvent dissipates, it is still present during the time of application and until fully cured. If you are sensitive to odors or are applying the pool deck paver sealer to an area where odor is a concern, water-based pool deck paver sealers may be a better option.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Application

A second thing to consider is the maintenance and application of pool deck paver sealer. If a solvent-based acrylic pool deck paver sealer needs to be repaired due to exposure, moisture, over application, or application issues, it can easily be repaired with the Armor Blush Repair. The Armor Blush Repair will turn the solvent-based acrylic sealer back into a liquid so that it can properly re-cure. If a water-based acrylic pool deck paver sealer needs to be repaired, it can’t be. If issues do arise, the water-based acrylic sealer may have to be removed.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Recoating

Solvent-based acrylic pool deck paver sealers are very easy to recoat as they are self-priming. Water-based acrylic sealers can be recoated, but the surface may need to be prepped to allow for proper curing. Both solvent-based acrylic pool deck paver sealers and water-based acrylic pool deck paver sealers are great options, and both are very popular.

There are several things to consider when purchasing your pool deck paver sealer, you need the best pool deck paver sealer for your preferences, whether it’s a wet or natural look, high or low gloss or matte finish, or need a low odor profile due to sensitivities, it’s important your specify the right type of sealer from the get go. If you have any questions before purchasing, reach out to a Foundation Armor technician and they can answer any questions you may have so you can get the right pool deck paver sealer the first time!

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Things To Consider When Applying a Pool Deck Paver Sealer

Pavers are very porous and for that reason, it is important to consider a few things when applying a pool deck paver sealer so that the sealer is able to properly cure and work as it is intended.

Pool Deck Paver Sealers – Wet Surfaces

If you clean your pavers before sealing, or if it recently rained, it is important to allow at least 24-48 hours for your pavers to fully dry. While the pavers may appear dry on the surface after a couple of hours, water and moisture is still trapped below the surface in the pores and needs to be allowed to evaporate. If you apply a pool deck paver sealer to wet pavers, you can end up with staining, delamination, and sealer failure.

Pool Deck Paver Sealers – Joint Sand

Most pool deck paver sealers are not designed to harden or seal loose sand or polymeric sand between joints. While many can be applied over sand in the joints, they aren’t designed to harden or bond the sand together. While polymeric sand typically isn’t an issue when applying pool deck paver sealers, loose sand can create some difficulties when it comes to application. If you are using a penetrating sealer, the sealer will go right through the sand, but if you are using an acrylic sealer, you may want to consider applying the pool deck paver sealer with a sprayer so that you don’t pick loose sand up in the roller and spread it across the pavers. If you have any questions about how to apply an acrylic sealer to pavers, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a Foundation Armor technician.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Paver Surface Porosity

Pavers are very porous and for that reason, will soak up a lot of the pool deck paver sealer when applied. For this reason, it can be very easy to over-apply a pool deck paver sealer. If you are applying a penetrating pool deck paver sealer, a sprayer will help to avoid over application and provide consistent  sealer coverage. If it is your first time sealing your pavers and you feel that you went a little light, a 3rd coat can be applied so long as the pavers aren’t beading water. If you are applying an acrylic pool deck paver sealer, a sprayer is also a great choice, although a roller can be used. If you use a roller, be careful to ensure that you are applying an even amount of material to the pavers.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Coverage and Coats

If it is your first time sealing your pavers and you are looking to achieve a wet look, low gloss, or high gloss finish, two coats will be required, and in some cases, a third coat of your pool deck paver sealer is recommended. Here’s why. Pavers act much like a sponge and as such want to pull material applied to the surface through the pores of the pavers. If there isn’t any resin in the pores, the material will be spread throughout the pavers. In order to keep the material close to the surface, which is what gives the wet look, low gloss, and high gloss finish, there needs to be resin within the pores to reduce the amount of material that can be pulled through the pores of the pavers. The second coat will offer more enhancement and gloss than the first coat, and the third more than the second. It really depends however on how porous the pavers are, and how much resin is in the pores. It is best to apply the product to a test area first to see what the sealer will look like on your pavers, and how much material needs to be applied. Now, it is important not to over apply the pool deck paver sealer. If you try and flood the paver pores to fill them in with resin faster, it simply won’t work. Over application of pool deck paver sealer often results in white spots, white hazing, and delamination. You want to apply light, consistent coats and space the coats out in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer Types

Penetrating Pool Deck Paver Sealers

Penetrating pool deck paver sealers don’t leave a visible surface film and they work entirely below the surface. They are designed to reduce damage and deterioration caused by water absorption, by reducing the amount of water that is absorbed into the pavers. You will find pavers that are sealed with a water repellent pool deck paver sealer, easier to clean and dry faster than unsealed pavers. Paver damage caused by freeze-thaw cycles, and the growth of mold and mildew will also be reduced. The surface of the pavers is still exposed with penetrating sealers, so staining and deterioration caused by vehicle traffic, foot traffic, and exposure to the elements can still happen. Penetrating sealers are great preventative sealers and will always be the better option if you are going back and forth between sealing your pavers, or keeping them unsealed. They last for years before the need to reseal, and require little to no maintenance.

Acrylic Pool Deck Paver Sealers

Acrylic sealers penetrate in order to bond, but they also leave behind a visible surface film, usually in the form of low or high gloss. The visible surface film is designed to take the abuse of vehicle traffic, foot traffic, and exposure to the elements to keep the pavers fully protected. They offer the most protection for your pavers simply because they create a film between the pavers and the outside world. The downfall to acrylic sealers is that they need to be maintained and recoated. If you had a harsh Winter and the sealer took a lot of abuse, the pavers may need to be resealed in the Spring. The same goes if you live in warm climates and the pavers are exposed to hot sun and high temperatures. While acrylic sealers come with maintenance, they work very well and they offer an attractive enhancement to your pavers.

Paver Sealer – Pool Deck Pavers vs. Pool Deck Pavers

When looking for a pool deck paver sealer, a final thing to consider is the type of paver you have. Most pavers fall into the category of being a pool deck paver, or a clay pool deck paver. Pool Deck pavers can be sealed with any of the pool deck paver sealers mentioned above, but pool deck pavers can’t. If you have clay pool deck pavers, or red Chicago pool deck pavers, you want to avoid using acrylic sealers as they often run into issues with delamination and pre-mature failure. If you are looking to seal clay pool deck pavers, or red Chicago pool deck pavers you want to use the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB for a natural look, or the Armor WL550 for a matte wet look. If you have questions about the type of paver you have, or which pool deck paver sealer you can use on your pavers, please don’t hesitate to contact a Foundation Armor technician.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer Offers Your Paver Pool Deck, Paver Pool Deck, Paver Pool Deck and Pool Deck Pavers Extended Life and Beauty

Pool Deck pool deck paver sealer will help you extend the life of your pool deck pavers as well as preserve the look of your pool deck, pool deck, pool deck and pool deck pavers, perhaps even enhance them depending on the product chosen for application. Foot traffic, vehicle traffic, and changes in weather and temperature can quickly degrade your pavers, and cause issues such as staining, cracking, delamination, degradation, and more. The best way to reduce damage caused to your pavers is with professional grade pool deck paver sealer.
Choosing a pool deck paver sealer and getting it applied doesn’t have to be a large, or expensive project. If you want to protect your pavers, but don’t want to maintain a pool deck paver sealer that applies a film or coating every year, the best thing you can apply to your pavers is a penetrating water repellent pool deck paver sealer, like the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB. These pool deck paver sealers work entirely below the surface and won’t change the look or color of your pavers. They can last for up to 7-10 years and provide protection against damage and deterioration caused by water absorption.

There are several benefits to using a penetrating pool deck paver sealer:

  • Penetrating pool deck paver sealers help to reduce the growth of mold and mildew on the surface. The sealers are designed to reduce the absorption of water through the pavers, forcing the water to stay closer to the surface where it can evaporate faster. The faster the pavers are able to dry, the lower the chances of mold and mildew growing on the surface.
  • Penetrating pool deck paver sealers help to reduce cracking and spalling caused by snow and ice. Cracking and spalling is caused when water is absorbed into the pavers. The pores fill up with water and when the water freezes inside of the pores, it expands, causing the pavers to crack. Penetrating pool deck paver sealers are designed to reduce the absorption of water through the pores, forcing the water to stay closer to the surface so that it freezes on top of the surface instead of below it.
  • Penetrating pool deck paver sealers help to reduce contaminants, such as dirt and minerals, from being carried into the pores. Keeping the contaminants closer to the surface help to lengthen the life of the pavers, reduce staining, and make the pavers easier to clean and keep clean.
  • Penetrating pool deck paver sealers help to extend the life of the pavers by reducing damage caused by water absorption. Water can be a destructive force, especially if the pavers are constantly exposed to water, whether it be from an irrigation system, or from consistent heavy rains. Penetrating pool deck paver sealers help to keep water closer to the surface where it can dry faster, to help preserve the overall condition of the paver.
  • Penetrating pool deck paver sealers can help to reduce surface stains. They slow down the absorption of water and other liquids, making it easier to clean the pavers, and making the paver surface resistant to staining.

Penetrating pool deck paver sealers are great sealers for reducing damage, deterioration, and staining to your pool deck pavers. If you are considering sealing your pavers, but don’t want to maintain a surface film or coating, penetrating pool deck paver sealers are a great choice for your pavers. If you are torn between sealing your pavers and leaving them unsealed, penetrating sealers are great way to give you peace of mind, and provide some level of protection against the damage and deterioration caused by water absorption. It is always better to have some form of protection on your pavers, than none at all.
Penetrating sealers are great at reducing damage, deterioration, and staining, but the surface of the pavers are exposed so the pavers aren’t fully protected. If you want complete surface protection, or if you want to enhance the color or look of your pavers, an acrylic pool deck paver sealer is a better option.

Acrylic Pool Deck Paver Sealers Offer Superior Durability but Added Maintenance

Acrylic pool deck paver sealers leave behind a protective surface film. The film left behind by the acrylic is designed to take the abuse on the surface of the paver so that the pavers themselves don’t. Acrylic pool deck paver sealers offer all the same benefits as a penetrating sealer, plus a few more:

  • Acrylic pool deck paver sealer leaves behind a visible surface film that will provide a protective barrier between the paver and anything that comes in contact with the surface. They provide complete protection against staining, and damage and deterioration caused by water absorption.
  • Acrylic pool deck paver sealer will enhance the finish of pavers. Solvent based acrylic sealers will enhance the color of the pavers, and provide a level of gloss, and water based acrylic sealers will enhance the pavers with a gloss but with minimal change to the color of the pavers themselves.

While acrylic sealers provide complete protection for your pavers, they do require maintenance. The harder the acrylic sealer needs to work, the sooner it will need to be resealed. Most acrylic pool deck paver sealers, whether solvent based or water based, need to be re-applied to the paver surfaces every 1-3 years.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer and Preparation for Paver Application

When it comes top pool deck paver sealer, preparation is key to the success of any pool deck paver sealer, penetrating, solvent, or water based. You want to make sure your pavers are clean, and completely dry before applying any pool deck paver sealer. The best way to clean your pavers before sealing is with a pressure washer, and if necessary, a mild cleaner like the Armor MSC100. If a cleaner is used, make sure the cleaner has been completely rinsed away so that there isn’t a residue left on the surface or in the pores of the pavers. Once the pavers have been cleaned, you want to allow the pavers at least 24 hours to dry completely before applying the pool deck paver sealer. While the pavers may look dry on the surface, moisture can become trapped in the pores causing issues with any sealer. The more time the pavers have too fully dry, the better.

If your pavers have a sealer on them and you are resealing your pavers, you still want to clean the surface. A pressure washer, and if necessary, a mild cleaner, are still the best way to prepare your pavers for sealing.

Pool Deck pool deck paver sealer and the application thereof is best suited to pressure washing as it cleans them thoroughly and will remove most stains from your pavers, but if necessary, spot treatments can be applied to areas with stubborn stains. If a cleaner is used, just make sure the cleaner has been fully removed from the pavers. If an acid-based cleaner was used, be sure to also use a PH Balancing solution when prepping your pavers for sealer.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer Potential Issues and how to Avoid Them

Most issues that can arise with pool deck paver sealer and application can be prevented. The great thing about pavers and sealer is that the combinations are very predictable. Here are some common issues with pool deck paver sealer during application and how to avoid them:

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – White Spots or Hazing

When acrylic pool deck paver sealers are used, white spots or hazing can occur. White spots, or white haze, is a sign of delamination and can happen when an acrylic pool deck paver sealer is used. There are a few main reasons why delamination can occur with your acrylic pool deck paver sealer application:

  • Pool Deck pool deck paver sealer was applied to a surface that wasn’t completely dry, or the pavers came into contact with water before the acrylic pool deck paver sealer had a chance to properly cure. The best way to avoid delamination caused by moisture is to allow the pavers to dry for at least 24 hours before sealing, and to keep them dry for at least 24 hours after sealing. If a solvent based acrylic pool deck paver sealer was used and delamination occurs, the sealer can easily be easily repaired with Xylene, or the Armor Blush Repair product. If a water based acrylic pool deck paver sealer was used and delamination occurs, you will need to remove the delaminated pool deck paver sealer and re-apply.
  • Pool Deck pool deck paver sealer was applied over an incompatible sealer or coating, causing one or both pool deck paver sealers to fail. The best way to avoid delamination during resealing is to ensure that the new sealer is compatible with the old sealer. A good rule of thumb is that solvent based acrylic sealers should be sealed with solvent based acrylic sealers, and water based acrylic sealers should be sealed with water based acrylic sealers. If a penetrating water repellent sealer was used, a solvent based acrylic sealer can be applied without issue, but a water based acrylic sealer can only be applied once the sealer no longer beads. Test areas on the substrate are also important as they will be the best way to determine what the sealer will look like on the pavers, and how it will perform. For questions about sealer compatibility, please don’t hesitate to contact a Foundation Armor technician before applying.
  • Pool Deck pool deck paver sealer was applied to new pavers that were sealed too early. The best way to avoid delamination caused by applying a pool deck paver sealer to new pavers is to check in with the manufacturer to see when they suggest sealing your pavers. Some pavers can be sealed immediately after being installed, while others can’t be sealed for over a year. In most cases, if a paver can’t be sealed within the year, it has to do with the PH. The PH of the pavers will cause just about any sealer or coating to fail when applied to the surface.
  • Acrylic pool deck paver sealer was over-applied. Pavers are very porous and will soak up a lot of material, making it very easy to over-apply an acrylic pool deck paver sealer. If you over apply an acrylic pool deck paver sealer, delamination can occur. If a solvent based acrylic pool deck paver sealer was used and delamination occurs, the sealer can easily be repaired with Xylene, or the Armor Blush Repair. If a water based acrylic pool deck paver sealer was used and delamination occurs, you will need to remove the delaminated pool deck paver sealer and re-apply. The best way to avoid over applying a pool deck paver sealer is to follow the suggested coverage rate guidelines. If you have never sealed your pavers before, or haven’t used an acrylic pool deck paver sealer, it is always best to apply the product to a test area to get a better feel for how to apply the product to the rest of the pavers.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Uneven Color Enhancement

If a decorative pool deck paver sealer was used, such as a water or solvent based acrylic pool deck paver sealer, or a penetrating wet look sealer, and you have uneven color enhancement, it is likely a sign that you haven’t applied enough sealer. Pavers are very porous and for that reason, sealer will be pulled from the surface of the pavers to the center or the pavers, and sometimes further. Until the pool deck paver sealer resin has hardened within the pores of the paver to force the sealer to stay closer to the surface, the paver will just absorb as much pool deck paver sealer as you apply. Over applying the sealer on each coat won’t prevent this. In fact, over applying the pool deck paver sealer can cause issues with delamination. It is best to apply thin, consistent coats of sealer, and if necessary, apply a third coat. Porosity can be a hard thing to gage, but applying the sealer to a test area on a paver first can help to determine how much material the pavers will require to get the finished look you are trying to achieve.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Lack of Gloss

If you are applying an acrylic sealer and are looking to get a gloss finish on your pavers, you may find that the gloss level is reduced. This has to do with how heavily the sealer is applied and with the porosity of the pavers. Pavers are very porous and for that reason, sealer will be pulled from the surface of the pavers to the center or the pavers, and sometimes further. Until the resin in the pool deck paver sealer has hardened within the pores of the paver, which forces the sealer to stay closer to the surface, the paver will just absorb as much sealer as you apply. Over applying the sealer on each coat won’t prevent this. In fact, over applying the sealer can cause issues with delamination. It is best to apply thin, consistent coats, and if necessary, apply a third coat. Porosity can be a hard thing to gage, but applying the pool deck paver sealer to a test area first, can help determine how much material the pavers will require to get the finished look you are trying to achieve.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Enhanced Staining

If you apply a pool deck paver sealer to pavers that haven’t been properly cleaned, stains can be enhanced when a sealer or coating is applied. If a pool deck paver sealer has been applied to a dirty surface, there isn’t a quick fix. In most cases, the sealer will have to be removed so that the pavers can be properly cleaned before resealing. The best way to prevent enhanced stains is to make sure the pavers have been properly cleaned before sealing. Remember enhancing pool deck paver sealers are just that, enhancing, and that means they will enhance everything, your beautiful paver surface and color, as well as any current staining.

Pool Deck Paver Sealer – Dark Spots After Application

While this is rare, dark spots can occur when a penetrating pool deck paver sealer, like a silane-siloxane pool deck paver sealer, was used. Dark spots can be a result of over-application, applying the pool deck paver sealer over an incompatible sealer, applying the sealer to new pavers outside of the paver manufacturers recommendations, or applying the sealer when the air and surface temperatures were too warm. The best way to remedy pool deck paver sealer challenges that result in dark spots caused by a penetrating sealer, is to use a specialized cleaner designed to break down the sealer. If dark spots occur, it is best to contact a Foundation Armor technician on how to remove them. The best way to prevent dark spots from occurring is to follow the application instructions, and properly prepare the pavers prior to sealing.

Pool Deck Paver Sealers and Commonly Asked Questions

  1. When I use a pool deck paver sealer will my pavers be slippery once sealed? If a penetrating pool deck paver sealer was used, the surface traction of the pavers will remain untouched. If an acrylic sealer was used, the pavers can be slippery when wet because the water is being prevented from absorbtion into the pavers and kept on the surface. The best way to increase surface traction when using an acrylic pool deck paver sealer is to easily add in the Armor Non-Slip Additive.
  2. Which pool deck paver sealer is best for sealing my pavers? The best pool deck paver sealer for your pavers will depend heavily on what you need the sealer to offer in terms of life and performance, and what you want your pavers to look like once sealed. If you need help choosing the best pool deck paver sealer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a Foundation Armor technician.
  3. Which pool deck paver sealer lasts the longest? Penetrating sealers, like the Armor SX5000 and Amor SX5000 WB will last the longest because they are designed to work entirely below the surface and aren’t reduced by surface abrasion. They will typically provide up to 7-10 years of life before the need to reseal. Acrylic sealers are designed to take surface abuse to fully protect the pavers and for that reason will need to be reapplied every 1-3 years.
  4. How do I get a higher gloss on my pavers, is there a high gloss pool deck paver sealer? The best way to get the highest level of gloss possible is with a high gloss pool deck paver sealer like the Armor AR500 or Armor WB25. Due to the porosity of the pavers, the gloss level may be reduced. A third coat can be applied to achieve a higher gloss level.
  5. Can I darken the color of my pavers to make them look wet using a pool deck paver sealer? For a very slight color enhancement, you can use a penetrating sealer like the Armor WL550. For a true wet look paver, you want to use a solvent based acrylic sealer like the Armor AR350 or Armor AR500.
  6. How do I get a gloss finish without darkening the color of the pavers, is there a sealer for that? The best way to achieve a gloss with minimal color enhancement to the pavers is with a water based acrylic sealer like the Armor WB15 or Armor WB25.
  7. How long do pool deck paver sealers last? The actual life of the sealer will depend on several factors, some predictable, others not. Typically, penetrating sealers will provide up to 7-10 years of life, and acrylic sealers will provide up to 1-3 years of life. Hybrid products, like the Armor WL550 will provide up to 3-5 years of life.
  8. What is the best way to apply a pool deck paver sealer? The best way to apply a pool deck paver sealer is with HVLP sprayer. Sprayers help to ensure consistent coverage and can reduce over application and under application of the pool deck paver sealer. If you are applying an acrylic sealer, a roller can be used, but caution will need to be taken if applying around loose joint sand.
  9. Do I have to use a pool deck paver sealer to seal my pavers? Like with anything, some protection is always better than none at all. If you want a low maintenance sealer that is very easy to apply, the Armor SX5000 WB is a great option. It can help to provide peace of mind that a sealer is working hard to protect your pavers from below the surface.
  10. Why are your pool deck paver sealers the best pool deck paver sealers to use? Foundation Armor pool deck paver sealers are a fantastic choice for sealing your pavers. They are made from high quality, non-recycled resins. They are designed to perform better and last longer than similar products on the market. In addition to manufacturing a premium product, Foundation Armor offers an unmatched level of customer service. Our technicians are always available to discuss your project, help with product selection and application questions, and help with any issues that may arise. While our reviews say a lot about our products, and who we are as a company, we always encourage you to give us a call if you have any questions at all, or just want to chat about your pool deck paver sealer project!

Pool Deck Sealers – Zero Compromise Quality – Virgin, Non-Recycled Resins, Make a difference in the Finish and Longevity of Your Surface

Not all pool deck sealers are created equal. At Foundation Armor we painstakingly formulate our line of pool deck sealers to the most demanding of specifications. It’s why all our water based and solvent based pool deck sealers, from those used on pool deck pool decks, to pool deck and pool deck pavers, to stamped pool deck pool decks, pool decks and pool decks, to those used on warehouse floors and other industrial applications such as polished pool deck floors, are premium, industrial grade pool deck sealers. Simply put, we manufacture one formula for each application type and finish, the best. Whether you are a homeowner, commercial property owner, general contractor, or facility manager, our pool deck sealers will perform for years to come because they are engineered, formulated, and manufactured to stand the test of time in the most environmentally demanding, and heavily trafficked areas of your home of business.

Why do our pool deck sealers outperform many others in the field and last longer and stay truer to color? You got it, Zero Compromise Quality. Our pool deck sealers are formulated to the highest standards because we understand you don’t want this going wrong, having to strip and reapply pool deck sealer can be a messy job, so the formula is critical in making a sealer that is consistent, will stand the test of time, won’t yellow or discolor in short order, and won’t require an immediate strip and reseal. One of the key components that only a few manufacturers use, less even mention, are virgin resins. We use the most pure, virgin resins in our formulations so that our sealers stand the test of time and won’t yellow or discolor as you often see on surfaces. Many pool deck sealers that provide products in the lower end of the market to meet price points some customers require, have to use recycled resins, if you are on a budget and a little risk is worth the savings, than these products can be a good option. If you want to get a finish that is the most durable, and true to color, the use of virgin resins is critical, recycled resins although inexpensive, have imperfections in the formulation that lend them to greater deviations in these metrics. For those who want to have a premium finish, one that they can be proud of and will stand the test of time, choose a pool deck sealer that is formulated with virgin resins.

Protect it With Foundation Armor

Industrial, Professional Grade Pool Deck Sealers & Coatings – Foundation Armor Protects Your Pool Deck, and You, With Zero Compromise Quality and an Industry Leading Customer First Customer Service Policy!

Whether in need of a wet look pool deck sealer, any other sealer, or a pool deck coating or maintenance product, you can rest assured knowing that Foundation Armor is protecting not only your pool deck, but you, your family, and your business as well.

Foundation Armor is a multi-generational family owned and operated industrial pool deck sealer and coating manufacturer, but beyond that we are just like you, and we thrive on providing everyone from homeowners to commercial property owners and managers the same high-quality products and services, we don’t have low grade anything in our portfolio, and that incudes customer service. Our customer first policy drives all our decision making and pool deck sealer product development at Foundation Armor
Our brand very closely aligns with our values, and represents honesty, quality, and reliability. In every conversation, our priority is to provide our customers with the information they need to make the best purchasing decision for their project, even if that solution is one, we can’t provide. Your home, family or corporate is one of the largest investments you will ever make, and we are here to help you protect it, elevate it, enjoy it, and help it work for you, better.