Concrete Sealer – Foundation Armor, the World’s Best Concrete Sealer – Paver Sealer, Concrete Driveway Sealer, Stamped Concrete Sealer, Concrete Floor Sealer, Concrete Patio Sealer, Pool Deck Sealer and More!
Our concrete sealers – premium residential and commercial water-based and solvent-based concrete sealers – wet look concrete sealers for a high gloss or low gloss concrete sealer finish as well as penetrating concrete sealers for a natural, matte concrete finish
Foundation Armor manufactures a complete line of concrete sealers and coatings that are designed to seal, enhance, and protect interior and exterior concrete. Whether you are looking to preserve the natural look of your concrete, enhance your concrete with a low to high gloss finish, or protect your concrete against oil and gas, Foundation Armor has a concrete sealer for your application.
With so many concrete sealers on the market it can be hard to choose the best concrete sealer. Most concrete sealers fall into one of the following categories: penetrating concrete sealers, wet look concrete sealers, low gloss and high gloss concrete sealers, and concrete coatings.
Penetrating Concrete Sealer – Penetrating concrete sealers are designed to protect the concrete from below the surface and will not change the look or color of the concrete. Penetrating concrete sealers are great concrete sealers to use if you are looking to protect your concrete without changing the look or color of your concrete.
Wet Look Concrete Sealer – Wet look concrete sealers are designed to enhance the concrete with a darkened wet look. Under the category of wet look concrete sealers there are penetrating wet look sealers, which won’t leave a surface film, and low to high gloss wet look sealers which will enhance the concrete with a wet look and leave a low gloss to high gloss surface film. Wet look concrete sealers are great concrete sealers to use if you want to enhance the color of the concrete to give it a similar appearance to being wet.
Low Gloss and High Gloss Concrete Sealers – Low gloss concrete sealers and high gloss concrete sealers are designed to enhance concrete with a low gloss to high gloss finish. Low and high gloss concrete sealers come in the form of acrylic sealers and acrylic waxes. Low gloss and high gloss concrete sealers are great concrete sealers to use if you want to enhance your concrete with a low gloss finish, a high gloss finish, or a colored finish.
Concrete Coatings – Concrete coatings are designed mostly for interior concrete surfaces and are designed to protect the concrete against oil, gas, and chemicals. Concrete coatings are typically in the form of an epoxy or urethane coating. Concrete coatings are great to use on interior concrete where maximum protection is required.
Water Based Concrete Sealers and Solvent Based Concrete Sealers
Concrete sealers and coatings are available in water based and solvent based formulations. Whether a water based concrete sealer is best for your application, or a solvent based concrete sealer, depends on several factors. Here are a few things to consider when choosing between a water based concrete sealer and a solvent based concrete sealer:
Concrete Sealer Odor – Solvent based concrete sealers and coatings will have an odor during the time of application, and for up to a week after until all the solvents have fully dissipated. Water based concrete sealers and coatings have little to no odor. If you are sensitive to odors, or don’t have the ability to properly ventilate your area, a water based concrete sealer or coating may be the best option.
Concrete Sealer Look – When it comes to acrylic concrete sealers, there is a difference in what concrete looks like when sealed with a water-based acrylic, versus a solvent-based acrylic concrete sealer. When concrete is sealed with a water based acrylic sealer, the color of the concrete will experience little, to no color enhancement. When concrete is sealed with a solvent based acrylic sealer, the color of the concrete will darken and resemble a similar appearance to being wet. If you want a low to high gloss finish without changing the color of the concrete, a water based acrylic concrete sealer is the best option. If you want a low to high gloss finish and you want a wet look, a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer is the best option. When it comes to concrete coatings, this is also something to consider. While the color of the concrete will be enhanced more than it would with a water based concrete coating, you won’t get as much of a color enhancement as you would with an acrylic sealer.
Concrete Sealer Application – When it comes to the application and clean-up of concrete sealers, there is a bit more work involved when using a solvent based concrete sealer or coating than there is with a water based concrete sealer or coating. Most sprayers and rollers don’t have any special requirements and can quickly be cleaned with soap and water when a water based concrete sealer is used. When a solvent based concrete sealer or coating is used, you typically need solvent or acetone resistant materials, and you will need to clean up with a solvent cleaner. If you want a concrete sealer that doesn’t require special application tools, and is easy to clean-up, a water based concrete sealer or coating may be the best option.
Concrete Sealer Maintenance – When it comes to the maintenance of concrete sealers, you will see a difference between water based acrylic sealers and solvent based acrylic sealers. Solvent based acrylic concrete sealers are very easy to apply and maintain. If they experience any issues during their life, they can easily be repaired with Xylene or the Armor Blush Repair. When it comes time to recoat a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer, you just simply apply a fresh coat to a completely clean and dry surface. Water based acrylic concrete sealers aren’t that easy to maintain or recoat. If something goes wrong with a water based acrylic concrete sealer and it delaminates, most of the time the sealer needs to be completely removed. When it comes time to recoat a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer, the surface may need to be scuffed, or the old coating may need to be removed. If you want an acrylic concrete sealer that is easy to maintain and recoat, a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer may be the best option.
If you plan to use a penetrating concrete sealer, like a Silane-Siloxane water repellent, odor is something that should be considered, but you will find there isn’t any difference in look or maintenance. With penetrating concrete sealers, the water and solvent are simply the carrying agent for the Silane-Siloxane. You will find they offer the same benefits in terms of life and performance. Whether or not you choose a water based penetrating concrete sealer or a solvent based penetrating concrete sealer will be dependent strictly on preference.
Concrete Sealers – Chemical Makeup and Formulation
Silicate Concrete Sealers – Silicate concrete sealers are also known as concrete densifiers. They chemically react below the surface to form calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) within the pores. The hardened CSH formed, reduces the size of the pores, and therefore increases the strength and density of the concrete. Once the silicate chemically reacts with the concrete, all that is left is the CSH, which can never be removed. Foundation Armor manufactures two silicate concrete sealers, the Armor S2000 and the Armor L3000. Both sealers spark the same chemical reaction in the concrete, making them both a great choice for increasing the strength and density of the concrete. The molecule size in the Armor S2000 is slightly larger than the molecule size of the Armor L3000, making the Armor S2000 great for surfaces that are more porous, and making the Armor L3000 great for surfaces that are less porous. Silicate concrete sealers are great for sealing concrete that needs an increase in strength and density. They are also commonly used in the concrete polishing process.
Siliconate Concrete Sealers – Siliconate concrete sealers are very similar to Silane-Siloxane sealers in that they work entirely below the surface to reduce the absorption of surface water, but they can only be used on white and very light concrete surfaces. If you apply a siliconate concrete sealer to medium or dark surfaces, you can be left with white deposits on the surface of the concrete. Siliconate sealers, like the Armor SC25, are very popular on surfaces where maintaining the white, or very light finish, of the concrete is important.
Silane Siloxane Concrete Sealers – Silane Siloxane sealers are commonly known as water repellent sealers. They chemically react below the surface to form a hydrophobic barrier within the pores that will reduce the absorption of water through the concrete. Silane-Siloxane concrete sealers are the most popular type of penetrating concrete sealer because they offer the most protection a penetrating concrete sealer can offer. By reducing the absorption of surface water, damage and deterioration caused by water absorption will be reduced. Concrete sealed with a Silane-Siloxane sealer will be easier to clean, stay cleaner longer, experience less damage caused by ice and water, and experience less mold and mildew growth on the surface. Now, while Silane-Siloxane concrete sealers are commonly referred to as a water repellent sealer, not all surfaces will bead water, and the surfaces that do bead water won’t bead water for the entire life of the sealer. The bead effect is from resins that have formed in the surface pores. Because Silane-Siloxane concrete sealers aren’t designed as coatings, the resins that were deposited on the surface will be short lived. Silane-Siloxane sealers are designed to work entirely below the surface to slow down the movement of water. By keeping the water closer to the surface, you will notice that the concrete stays dry longer, and dries significantly faster when it comes into contact with the water. Foundation Armor Silane-Siloxane sealers will provide up to 7-10 years of life before the need to reseal.
Foundation Armor manufactures two Silane-Siloxane concrete sealers, the Armor SX5000 and the Armor SX5000 WB. The Armor SX5000 is solvent based and the Armor SX5000 WB is water based. Both Silane-Siloxane sealers offer the same benefits in terms of life and performance. Which Silane-Siloxane sealer is best for your application depends on your preference of working with water or solvent based materials. Many homeowners prefer water based Silane-Siloxane sealers because they are easy to apply, easy to clean up with soap and water, and don’t have an odor.
Acrylic Hybrid Concrete Sealers – Foundation Armor manufactures one acrylic hybrid-sealer, the Armor WL550. The Armor WL550 is designed to function like a silane-siloxane concrete sealer, but it also includes a small amount of acrylic resin that will slightly darken the color of the concrete. It won’t offer as much of a color enhancement as an acrylic sealer, but it will offer some. If you want a slight color enhancement, but are still looking for a penetrating sealer, the Armor WL550 is a great choice.
Acrylic Concrete Sealers – Acrylic concrete sealers are designed to enhance and protect concrete surfaces. Penetrating concrete sealers work entirely below the surface and leave the surface exposed, but acrylic concrete sealers leave behind a visible, protective surface film. They offer the greatest protection a concrete sealer can offer for exterior concrete surfaces. If you want the greatest protection you can get against water absorption, surface abrasion, and staining, or if you want a true wet look, low gloss, high gloss, or color-enhanced finish, an acrylic sealer is the best concrete sealer for your application.
Foundation Armor manufactures both solvent based acrylic concrete sealers and water based acrylic concrete sealers, each offering their own benefits in terms of look. If you want a low to high gloss finish, but like the color of your concrete and don’t want to change it, a water based acrylic sealer like the Armor WB15 or Armor WB25 are best. They will enhance the concrete with a low to high gloss, without changing the color of the concrete. If you like the look of your concrete when it is wet and want a true wet look finish, or if you want a semi-transparent color, or a paint-like color finish, a solvent based acrylic sealer like the Armor AR350, Armor AR500, or Armor AX25 is best. If you want those same finishes but your concrete is new and not fully cured, the Armor LV15 and Armor LV25 are great options. Acrylic concrete sealers typically need to be re-applied every 1-3 years.
Acrylic Wax – Acrylic waxes can only be used on interior concrete surfaces as they are not designed to withstand exposure to large amounts of subsurface water or moisture. Acrylic waxes are fantastic to use over unsealed concrete floors, and over existing concrete coatings because they will instantly refresh and renew dull or faded surfaces. They can be mopped onto a clean floor with a microfiber mop and are very popular in a variety of interior applications. Foundation Armor manufactures a matte wax and a high gloss wax. Acrylic waxes are typically applied as needed.
Epoxy Concrete Coatings – Epoxy coatings are great bonding primers, and they are very popular garage floor coatings. They offer more protection than an acrylic sealer, but not as much protection as a urethane coating. The Armor Epoxy coating is a great choice for basements, garage floors, and interior concrete floors. Epoxy coatings can last for up to 7-10 years on an interior surface and can easily be maintained with an acrylic concrete wax.
Urethane Concrete Coatings – Foundation Armor urethane coatings are the strongest coatings you can apply to interior concrete floors. The Armor UTN60 is a solvent based urethane coating, and the Armor UTX60 Matte and High Gloss are water-based urethane coatings. While these coatings require surface preparation, they offer the most protection against oil, gas, chemicals, surface abrasion, and vehicle traffic. They are also the longest lasting concrete coatings because of how durable they are. Most urethane coatings will last for up to 10 or more years, and can easily be maintained with an acrylic concrete wax.
Concrete Cleaners, Sealer Removers, and Coating Strippers – In additional to offering a complete line of concrete sealers and coatings, Foundation Armor also manufactures a complete line of concrete cleaners, concrete sealer removers, and concrete coating strippers. For more information about our maintenance products, please visit our concrete cleaners page.
Non-Slip Additives and Color Packs for Concrete Sealers and Coatings – Foundation Armor manufacturers non-slip additives in various levels of coarseness, semi-transparent and opaque color packs for solvent based acrylic concrete sealers, and color packs for urethane coatings. For more information about each type of product, please visit the product pages.
Choosing A Concrete Sealer to Reseal Your Concrete With
If your concrete is unsealed, you are free to choose the concrete sealer you wish to use. If your concrete is currently sealed however, you need to make sure that the new concrete sealer is compatible with the old concrete sealer. If you apply a concrete sealer over something it isn’t compatible with, it could result in the failure of both concrete sealers. Here are a few general guidelines of what you can seal your concrete with based on what your concrete is currently sealed with:
Silane-Siloxane Concrete Sealer – If your concrete is currently sealed with a Silane-Siloxane concrete sealer, you can recoat with a Silane-Siloxane concrete sealer, an acrylic concrete sealer, or a concrete coating. It is crucial to make sure that the existing Silane-Siloxane concrete sealer is no longer beading water. If there is still resin in the pores, you can only re-apply with a solvent based concrete sealer because the Silane-Siloxane will bead a water based concrete sealer and cause it to fail. If you are resealing with a concrete coating, such as an epoxy or urethane, additional surface preparation may be required. It is best to follow the recommendations of the coating you will be applying.
Silicate Concrete Sealer– If your concrete is currently sealed with a silicate concrete sealer, you can recoat with a Silane-Siloxane concrete sealer, an acrylic concrete sealer, or a concrete coating so long as it has been at least 7 days. If you are resealing with a concrete coating, such as an epoxy or urethane, additional surface preparation may be required because the silicates are designed to reduce the size of the pores, and therefore the bonding surface. It is best to follow the recommendations of the coating you will be applying.
Acrylic Concrete Sealer – The general rule of thumb is that if your concrete is currently sealed with a water based acrylic concrete sealer then you want to recoat with a water based acrylic concrete sealer; if your concrete is currently sealed with a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer then you want to recoat with a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer. If your concrete is currently sealed with a water based acrylic concrete sealer and you want to switch to a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer, or if your concrete is currently sealed with a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer and you want to switch to a water based acrylic concrete sealer, you may have to remove the old acrylic concrete sealer first. If this is something you want to do, it is best to contact a Foundation Armor technician before moving forward so that they can ask a few qualifying questions to see if a removal is required prior to reapplication.
Epoxy or Urethane Coating – For the most part, you can mix concrete coatings. An epoxy can be applied over a urethane, and a urethane over an epoxy. Surface preparation and recoat windows will be key to the success. Every concrete coating is different so prior to recoating your concrete that has an epoxy or urethane coating down, it is best to talk to a Foundation Armor technician. If your concrete coating is still in good condition, but you want to touch up the gloss, acrylic concrete waxes can easily be mopped onto a surface with an epoxy or urethane coating on it to instantly refresh the look of the concrete coating.
Concrete Wax – Concrete waxes are semi-sacrificial coatings and should only be recoated with a concrete wax other wise you run the risk of delamination and coating failure.
Best Concrete Sealers by Substrate Type
Concrete sealers can be used in a variety of applications, and on a variety of surfaces, but not all concrete sealers can be used to seal every type of surface. Here are a few different types of surfaces, and which concrete sealer is best for each:
Stamped Concrete Sealer – When stamped concrete is first installed, it is very common for an acrylic concrete sealer to be used. Acrylic concrete sealers will help to enhance and preserve the color of the stamped concrete and help to preserve the newly installed stamp. For that reason, the most common type of concrete sealer to seal stamped concrete with is, is a water based or solvent based acrylic concrete sealer. If your stamped concrete was previously sealed with a water based acrylic concrete sealer, you want to reseal with a water based acrylic concrete sealer, and if your stamped concrete was previously sealed with a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer, you want to reseal with a solvent based acrylic sealer. If the old acrylic sealer has completely worn off, it may be safe to switch from a water based acrylic to a solvent based, or a solvent based acrylic sealer to water based, but it is best to contact a Foundation Armor technician before doing so. If all of the original acrylic concrete sealer has been removed, and it has been at least 5 years since the stamped concrete was sealed, a penetrating concrete sealer can be used, but you won’t get any color enhancement or gloss.
There are pros and cons of both types of concrete sealers when it comes to sealing stamped concrete. If you don’t want to maintain a coating, but want some level of protection, a penetrating concrete sealer is always better than no concrete sealer at all. Penetrating sealers will help to reduce damage and deterioration caused by water absorption, and will help to keep the concrete looking cleaner, longer. If you live in an environment where the winters are harsh, or the concrete takes a lot of abuse, an acrylic concrete sealer should be used to keep the concrete protected, and significantly reduce damage and deterioration to the surface. Acrylic concrete sealers will also help to dramatically transform stamped concrete, bringing out the color and enhancing it with a low to high gloss finish. While acrylic sealers do require the stamped concrete to be recoated as early as every 1-2 years, the benefits acrylic sealers offer in terms of looks and performance are rewarding.
Poured and Broom Finished Concrete Sealers – It is very common for concrete to be sealed with a penetrating concrete sealer, or an acrylic sealer. When choosing the best concrete sealer for your poured or broom finished concrete you want to take into consider what you want the concrete to look like once sealed, what you want the concrete sealer to offer in terms of performance, and what your concrete is currently sealed with.
Penetrating concrete sealers are very common on interior and exterior concrete simply because they are easy to apply, won’t change the look or color of the concrete, and will provide years of life and performance before the need to reseal. Penetrating concrete sealers are great for prevention, but the surface of the concrete is still left fully exposed, and therefore susceptible to staining, and damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion. If you need complete protection against staining and deterioration caused by foot or vehicle traffic, of if you simply want to enhance the concrete with a color or gloss, an acrylic sealer is best for exterior concrete, and an epoxy, urethane, or wax for interior concrete.
If your concrete is currently sealed, there are some limitations as to what you can reseal with because you need to make sure that the old concrete sealer is compatible with the new. Water based acrylic concrete sealers should be resealed with water based acrylic concrete sealers, solvent based acrylic concrete sealers should be resealed with solvent based acrylic concrete sealers, penetrating sealers can be resealed with a penetrating sealer or acrylic sealer so long as the penetrating sealer no longer beads water and no longer reduces water absorption, etc. With interior coatings, epoxies and urethanes can be resealed with a similar coating, or wax, so long as the concrete has been properly prepared and application suggestions have been followed. This can be a detailed subject so if you are looking to reseal concrete that is currently sealed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a Foundation Armor technician for help with product selection.
White and Very Light Concrete Sealers – Most applications where white or very light concrete is used, we find people want to preserve the very light finish. The best concrete sealer that can be used for white and very light concrete is the Armor SC25. If you want to enhance the concrete with a low to high gloss finish, a water based acrylic concrete sealer will provide the least amount of color enhancement to the concrete. If you are considering the use of an acrylic concrete sealer, apply to a test area first to make sure you are satisfied with the level of color enhancements the acrylic sealer provided.
Paver Sealer – Concrete pavers can be sealed with a penetrating concrete sealer or an acrylic concrete sealer. Both categories of concrete sealers are great for use as paver sealers. If you like the look of your pavers and want to maintain the natural, unsealed look, penetrating concrete sealers are a great option. Water repellent sealers are the most common as they will help to reduce damage and deterioration to the pavers caused by the absorption of water. If you like the look of your pavers when they are wet, a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer will help to achieve a nice wet look. Acrylic concrete sealers will also help to provide protection against damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion. If you want a gloss without the enhanced wet look, a water based acrylic sealer is a great option as a paver sealer.
When choosing an acrylic concrete paver sealer it is important to take into consideration the porosity of the pavers. Pavers may be made from concrete, but they are significantly less dense and will soak up large amounts of material. For this reason, the gloss level of the acrylic sealer will be significantly reduced. While you may want a beautiful high gloss finish on your pavers, it may be hard to achieve that, especially if it is your first time sealing. While a third coat can be applied, you don’t want to apply too many more coats because you risk reducing the breathability of the paver sealer which can result in coating failure. It is always best to order a few acrylic concrete sealer samples and try them on your pavers before purchasing in larger quantities. Porosity isn’t something that can be easily tested, so applying a test area will accurately show you what your pavers will look like when sealed with the paver sealer you are testing. It will also help to gauge how many coats you require to get the look you are trying to achieve.
If your pavers are currently sealed, it will limit what you can reseal your pavers with. Typically, if a water based acrylic concrete sealer was used, you need to reseal with a water based acrylic concrete sealer. If a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer was used as a paver sealer, you need to reseal with a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer. If a penetrating concrete sealer was used as your paver sealer and the pavers no longer bead water, and water absorption isn’t reduced or slowed in anyway, you are free to reseal with a penetrating sealer or an acrylic sealer. If you have any questions about what to reseal with, please don’t hesitate to contact a Foundation Armor technician.
Red Brick Sealer – Red brick is very porous, and for that reason, you are limited to what you use as your concrete brick sealer. The best brick sealers to use on red brick are penetrating sealers. For no color enhancement, the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB are best. For a slight color enhancement, or wet look, the Armor WL550 is a great brick sealer option. While many people want to try and achieve a gloss on red brick, acrylic sealers can’t typically handle the porosity of the brick. If an acrylic sealer is applied as your brick sealer to the exterior of your brick, it can last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months before it fails. For this reason, it is best to avoid using an acrylic concrete sealer as your brick sealer.
Now, whether or not you can use an acrylic sealer on brick is circumstantial. While it is never okay to use an acrylic sealer on a brick driveway, walkway, or patio, it may be ok to use an acrylic sealer on an interior brick wall or floor, or on a brick face. If proper moisture barriers were used to stop subsurface water and moisture, an acrylic concrete sealer may be able to survive. Before using an acrylic concrete sealer as a brick sealer however, I would consider not only applying the acrylic concrete sealer to a test area, but allowing it to stay on that test area for a longer period of time to test how long the acrylic sealer will last on that brick, in that environment.
If your brick is currently sealed, you want to make sure the new brick sealer is compatible with the old brick sealer. If a water repellent concrete brick sealer was used, it can be resealed with a water repellent brick sealer as long as the old water repellent sealer is no longer beading water, or slowing down the absorption of water on the surface. If a coating was used, whether it be an acrylic or other type, you want to make sure the old coating is still intact, and isn’t experiencing any issues with delamination. If you currently have a coating down and are looking to re-coat, it is best to talk to a technician before making a purchasing decision for your brick sealer.
Flagstone Sealer, Bluestone Sealer, Slate Sealer – Flagstone, Bluestone, and Slate are very porous material and will allow for large amounts of subsurface moisture to penetrate up through the surface. For this reason, it limits the types of sealers that can be used. The best concrete sealers for flagstone, bluestone, and slate, are penetrating sealers like the Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB. For a slight color enhanced wet look, the Armor WL550 is also a great option. Acrylic concrete sealers should however be avoided as the failure rate when used as flagstone sealers, bluestone sealers, and slate sealers are fairly high. In some cases an acrylic sealer may last a couple of weeks, and in others a couple of months. If you are willing to take the risk and try an acrylic sealer on your natural stone, be sure to apply the acrylic sealer to a test area, and let it stay there for an extended period of time. Acrylic sealers have been used as flagstone sealer, bluestone sealer, and slate sealer, but the failure rate is significantly higher than the success rate.
If your flagstone, bluestone, or slate is currently sealed, you want to make sure the new stone sealer is compatible with the old stone sealer. If a water repellent concrete sealer was used, it can be resealed with a water repellent sealer as long as the old water repellent sealer is no longer beading water, or slowing down the absorption of water on the surface. If a coating was used, whether it be an acrylic or other type, you want to make sure the old coating is still in tact, and isn’t experiencing any issues with delamination. If you currently have a coating down and are looking to re-coat, it is best to talk to a technician before making a purchasing decision.
Stucco Sealer – Stucco is very limited when it comes to the types of concrete sealers you can use. The best concrete sealers for stucco are concrete densifiers, which are great for stucco in need of an increase in strength or density, or water repellent sealers like the Armor SX5000 WB, which are great for reducing damage and deterioration to the stucco caused by water absorption. These types of sealers can only be applied to stucco that isn’t painted or sealed. If the stucco is currently sealed or painted, a penetrating sealer can’t be used as stucco sealer.
Best Concrete Sealers by Application
With so many concrete sealers, it can be hard to choose the best concrete sealer for your application. While most concrete sealer buying decisions can come down to what you are sealing, and what you want your concrete to look like once sealed, there are a few other performance factors to consider as well. Here are a few common concrete sealer applications and things to consider when purchasing a concrete sealer for those applications.
Concrete Driveway Sealer – If you are looking to maintain the natural, unsealed look of your concrete driveway, a penetrating concrete driveway sealer like the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB are great choices. If you want a wet look, low to high gloss, colored or tinted finish, or if you require complete and total protection against surface abrasion and staining, an acrylic concrete driveway sealer is a great option. Penetrating concrete driveway sealers work entirely below the surface to reduce damage and deterioration, and acrylic sealers, also a great choice as concrete driveway sealers, will leave a protective film on the surface that are designed to stop damage and deterioration.
Stamped Concrete Driveway Sealer – It is very common for stamped concrete driveways to be sealed with an acrylic sealer upon installation. For this reason, most stamped concrete driveways are resealed with a water based acrylic stamped concrete sealer or a solvent based acrylic stamped concrete sealer. A good rule of thumb to follow is if your stamped concrete driveway is currently sealed with a water based acrylic sealer, you want to reseal with a water based acrylic sealer, and if the stamped concrete driveway is currently sealed with a solvent based acrylic sealer, you want to reseal with a solvent based acrylic sealer. A penetrating sealer used for your stamped concrete driveway sealer, one like the Armor SX5000 WB, can only be used if the stamped concrete driveway is unsealed. If the stamped concrete is unsealed, penetrating sealers are great stamped concrete driveway sealers for maintaining the natural, unsealed look of the stamped concrete.
Paver Driveway Sealer– If you like the look of your unsealed pavers and want to preserve the natural finish of the pavers, a penetrating concrete paver sealer like the Armor SX5000 WB is a great option. If you want a very slight color enhancement, but still don’t want to maintain a coating, the Armor WL550 is a great option for your paver driveway. If you want a low to high gloss finish, and you want complete protection against damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion and staining, an acrylic concrete paver sealer is best.
Brick Driveway Sealer – The best brick driveway sealer for use on brick is a water repellent brick sealer like the Armor SX5000 WB. It works entirely below the surface to reduce damage and deterioration to the brick without changing the look or color. A second option for brick sealers on your brick driveway is the Armor WL550. It works entirely below the surface as well, but comes with the added benefit of offering a very slight color enhancement.
Concrete Patio Sealer – Penetrating concrete sealers are a great option as a concrete patio sealer as they preserve your concrete patio. If you are looking to enhance and bring out the color in your concrete patio than acrylic patio concrete sealers will work best. If you want to maintain the natural unsealed look of your concrete patio, while still getting protection against the damage caused by water absorption, a penetrating concrete sealer like the Armor SX5000 WB and Armor SX5000 are great choices. If you want a color enhancement, color change, or low to high gloss finish, an acrylic concrete patio sealer is the best option.
Paver Patio Sealer– Looking for a paver patio sealer and like the look of your unsealed pavers and don’t want to change what they look like, you want to seal your paver patio with a penetrating patio sealer like the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB. They will reduce damage and deterioration caused by water absorption without changing the look or color of the patio pavers without leaving behind a visible surface film. If you want a slight color enhancement, but don’t want to maintain a surface film, the Armor WL550 is a great paver patio sealer alternative. If you want a deeper color enhancement, or if you want a low to high gloss finish, an acrylic concrete sealer as your paver patio sealer is the best option.
Stamped Concrete Patio Sealer – The most popular type of stamped concrete patio sealer is an acrylic concrete sealer. Acrylic concrete sealers will enhance and protect the integral color of the stamped concrete patio, and it will enhance the stamped concrete patio surface with a low to high gloss finish. While it is less common to find unsealed stamped concrete patios, if your stamped concrete is unsealed, and isn’t colored, it can be sealed with a penetrating concrete patio sealer to preserve the natural, unsealed look of the stamped concrete patio.
Brick PatioSealer – The best brick patio sealers are the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB. They help to reduce damage and deterioration to the brick patio caused by water absorption, while at the same time maintaining the natural, unsealed look. For a slight color enhancement without the required maintenance of a film or coating, the best brick patio sealer is the Armor WL550.
Stone Patio Sealer – The best stone patio sealer for a natural stone patio are the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB. They will help to protect the natural stone against damage and deterioration caused by water absorption, without changing the look or color of the natural stone. For a slight color enhancement, the Armor WL550 is a great option as a stone patio sealer.
Concrete Pool Deck Sealer– Looking for a concrete pool deck sealer and your concrete pool deck is currently unsealed and you want a naturally non-slip concrete pool deck sealer that won’t change the look, color, or surface traction of your concrete pool deck, the Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB are great concrete pool deck sealer options. They protect the pool deck concrete from below the surface and work to reduce damage and deterioration caused by water absorption. For a slight color enhancement without having to worry about maintaining a coating, the Armor WL550 is a great pool deck sealer alternative. If you want to enhance your concrete pool deck with a color, or low to high gloss finish, an acrylic concrete pool deck sealer is a great option. Acrylic sealers used as a pool deck sealer will also offer complete protection against damage caused by water absorption and surface abrasion. Acrylic sealers are slippery when wet however so it is important to add the Armor Non-Slip Additive to the acrylic if you are sealing your pool deck.
Paver Pool Deck Sealer – looking for paver pool deck sealer and your paver pool deck is currently unsealed and you want a naturally non-slip concrete sealer, the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB are the best options as your paver pool deck sealer. They work entirely below the surface to reduce damage and deterioration caused by water absorption, conditions that are ample around your pool!. If you are looking for a sealer that behaves like a penetrating concrete pool deck sealer, but also offers a very slight color enhancement to you pool deck, the Armor WL550 is a great paver pool deck sealer option as well. If you are partial towards a true wet look for your paver pool deck, or if you want a low to high gloss paver sealer finish, acrylic sealers are great options. In addition to offering color enhancement to the pool pavers, they work to fully protect the concrete against deterioration caused by water and surface abrasion, both conditions which are common around your pool. Acrylic pool deck sealers do leave behind a visible surface film however and can be slippery when wet. For this reason, it is important to add the Armor Non-Slip additive to the acrylic sealer before sealing your paver pool deck.
Brick Pool Deck Sealer – The three best brick pool deck sealers are the Armor SX5000, Armor SX5000 WB, or Armor WL550. The Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB will work entirely below the surface without changing the look or color, and the Armor WL550 will work entirely below the surface while also offering a very slight color enhancement. Foundation Armor has a perfect solution for your brick pool deck sealer finish!
Stamped Concrete Pool Deck Sealer– Looking for stamped concrete pool deck sealers, you guessed it we have great options! Most stamped concrete pool decks are sealed upon installation with an acrylic concrete pool deck sealer. Acrylic concrete sealers not only provide a protective surface barrier, but they help to enhance and preserve the integral color of the stamped concrete pool deck. Acrylic sealers are the most common type of sealer for stamped concrete pool decks. Acrylic sealers do leave behind a surface film that can be slippery when wet so it is important to add the Armor Non-Slip Additive to the acrylic sealer when using it as your stamped concrete pool deck sealer. If the stamped concrete pool deck is unsealed, and isn’t integrally colored, a penetrating sealer like the Armor SX5000, Armor SX5000 WB, or Armor WL550 can be used as your stamped concrete pool deck sealer to help protect the stamped concrete against damage caused by water absorption.
Concrete Walkway Sealer – If you are looking for the best concrete walkway sealer, and want one that won’t change the look or color, a penetrating concrete sealer like the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB are best to use as your concrete walkway sealer. For a slight color enhancement to your concrete walkway, the Armor WL550 is a also a great option as your concrete walkway sealer. If you are looking for a wet look concrete walkway sealer, color enhancement, color change, or low to high gloss finish, an acrylic concrete walkway sealer is the best option for your concrete walkway.
Brick Walkway Sealer– The best brick walkway sealers to use on a brick walkway are the Armor SX5000, Armor SX5000 WB, and Armor WL550. The Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB will protect the brick without changing the look or color, and the Armor WL550 will offer a very slight color enhancement.
Stone Walkway Sealer – The best stone walkway sealers to use on a natural stone walkway, those made of flagstone, bluestone and others, are the Armor SX5000, Armor SX5000 WB, and Armor WL550. The Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB will protect the natural stone without changing the look or color, and the Armor WL550 will offer a very slight color enhancement to your natural stone walkway. Choose your stone walkway sealer based on the desired finished look!
Stamped Concrete Walkway – The most popular types of stamped concrete walkway sealers for stamped concrete walkways are our acrylic concrete sealers. Acrylic concrete sealers for stamped concrete walkways will enhance and preserve the integral color of the stamped concrete walkway, and enhance it with a protective low to high gloss surface film. If the stamped concrete walkway is unsealed and isn’t colored, a penetrating concrete sealer can be used as your stamped concrete walkway to maintain the natural, unsealed look of the stamped concrete.
Garage Floor Sealers – When it comes to concrete garage floor sealers, there are a lot of options. Penetrating concrete sealers are great for reducing damage and deterioration caused by water absorption, without changing the look or color. With penetrating sealers however, the surface of the concrete garage floor is exposed, and staining may occur. Acrylic concrete sealers are very popular as garage floor sealers, as are concrete waxes, simply because they are easy to apply to your garage floor and require minimal surface preparation. The downfall to an acrylic sealer as your garage floor sealer is that they are not fully resistant to oil and gas. Acrylic sealers are great for residential garages where surface spills are not a common concern. For applications where resistance to oil, gas, and chemicals are required, an industrial coating like the Armor UTN60 or Armor UTX60 are best as your concrete garage floor sealer.
Interior Concrete Floor Sealers – The best concrete sealer for your interior concrete floor really depends on where the concrete floor is located (basement, living room, bedroom, etc.), and what you want the coating to offer in terms of performance. Acrylic waxes are very common for interior floors because they can easily be mopped onto a variety of surfaces with a microfiber mop. They instantly refresh and protect a variety of surfaces. Concrete densifiers, penetrating concrete sealers, acrylic concrete sealers, and epoxies and urethanes are also common. For assistance with choosing the best concrete sealer for your interior concrete floor, please don’t hesitate to contact a Foundation Armor technician.
Industrial Concrete Sealers For Commercial Applications
Foundation Armor concrete sealers and concrete coatings are premium grade industrial concrete sealers designed to perform in some of the toughest environments. The best industrial concrete sealer for your commercial, high traffic application will depend entirely on what you need from the industrial concrete sealer in terms of performance, what you want the concrete to look like once sealed, and how much time you can block off to allow for the concrete sealer to be applied and fully cure. Foundation Armor manufactures industrial concrete sealers, commercial concrete sealers and industrial concrete coatings for a variety of commercial applications.
We Offer the Following Premium Industrial Grade Concrete Sealers
Concrete Warehouse Floor Sealer
Concrete Manufacturing Floor Sealer
Concrete Sealer for Storage Facilities
Concrete Parking Lot Sealer
Concrete Parking Garage Deck Sealer
Concrete Parking Deck Sealer
Concrete Bridge Sealer
Concrete Pool Deck Sealer for Public and Commercial use
Commercial Concrete Walkway Sealer for Commercial Locations
Commercial Concrete Driveway Sealer
Concrete Sidewalk Sealer
Industrial Floor Sealer for Universities, Shopping Plazas, and Restaurants
Polished Concrete Floor Sealers
Concrete Sealers for Casinos, Country Clubs, and Resort Applications
Aviation Concrete Sealer
Concrete Sealer for Military Bases and Applications
Concrete Building Sealer
Interior Concrete Floor Sealer
Whether you are looking for a penetrating sealer to seal a parking lot, an acrylic sealer to enhance and instantly transform a pool deck, an industrial coating that can withstand exposure to oil, gas, and chemicals, or a wax that can help to maintain and renew an existing coating, Foundation Armor has an industrial grade concrete sealer or industrial concrete coating for your application. For help with product selection, please don’t hesitate to contact a Foundation Armor technician.
Frequently Asked Questions About Concrete Sealers
Concrete Sealers – How Long do They Last?
The type of concrete sealer will partially be responsible for determining the life of the concrete sealer. The actual life of the concrete sealer however will depend on the concrete being sealed, the porosity of the concrete, the type of concrete, the age of the concrete, the amount of concrete sealer applied to the concrete, and how hard the concrete sealer needs to work to protect the concrete. Some concrete needs to be sealed every year, and some concrete can go a few years without the need to reseal. Here are a few general guidelines of how long concrete sealers may last.
Silicate Concrete Sealers – Silicate concrete sealers spark a chemical reaction in the concrete. The CSH formed from the chemical reaction will never break down.
Silane-Siloxane Concrete Sealers – Concrete sealed with a silane siloxane concrete sealer need to be resealed every 5-7 years.
Acrylic Concrete Sealers – Concrete sealed with an acrylic concrete sealer needs to be resealed every 6 months to 3 years. Climate will be a big determining factor for how long an acrylic sealer will last on concrete.
Epoxy and Urethane Concrete Coatings – Concrete sealed with an epoxy or urethane coating will need to be resealed every 5-10 years. In cases where an acrylic wax was used to maintain the coating, the concrete coating can last longer.
Concrete Sealers – How do I Reduce Concrete Stains
All concrete sealers will reduce future staining of your concrete surface. Penetrating concrete sealers work to reduce the movement of water and other liquids through the concrete, keeping them at the surface to allow for a quick and easy clean-up. Acrylic concrete sealers and concrete coatings work to put a protective layer between the concrete and the surface spill. Penetrating concrete sealers are designed to reduce staining, while acrylic concrete sealers and concrete coatings are designed to stop concrete stains.
Concrete Sealers – Which Concrete Sealers Stop Concrete Stains?
The only way to truly stop concrete from staining is with an acrylic concrete sealer or a concrete coating. Acrylic concrete sealers and concrete coatings will put a protective layer over the concrete that is designed to take the abuse so that the concrete doesn’t. Certain stains, such as oil and gas, will require a stronger coating, like an epoxy or urethane. While acrylic concrete sealers can offer some resistance to oil and gas for a very short period of time, the oil and gas will eventually degrade the coating and stain it.
Penetrating concrete sealers can’t stop concrete stains completely because the surface of the concrete is fully exposed. Penetrating sealers work entirely below the surface and will not leave behind a film or coating.
Concrete Sealers – Which Concrete Sealers Protect Against Snow and Ice?
Penetrating concrete sealers and acrylic concrete sealers will help to protect concrete against damage and deterioration caused by snow and ice. Penetrating concrete sealers reduce damage by reducing the absorption of surface water, and acrylic concrete sealers stop damage by putting a surface film between the concrete and the snow and ice.
Concrete Sealers – Which Concrete Sealers Protect Against Oil and Gas?
While many concrete sealers are resistant to oil and gas, they can’t stop all oil and gas stains. Penetrating concrete sealers will slow down the movement of oil and gas, but because the concrete is fully exposed, oil and has stains will form. Acrylic concrete sealers are resistant to a point, but if the oil and gas is not immediately cleaned up, the acrylic sealer can degrade or stain. The only thing that will truly protect concrete against oil and gas is an epoxy or urethane coating, but those can only be used on interior concrete.
Concrete Sealers – Which Concrete Sealers Stop Hot Tire Pick-Up?
Penetrating concrete sealers will not cause hot tire pickup because they work entirely below the surface and can’t be removed. Acrylic concrete sealers and concrete coatings will vary from one manufacturer to the next. While Foundation Armor acrylic concrete sealers and concrete coatings will stop hot tire pickup, you will find that isn’t the case with similar concrete sealers and concrete coatings on the market. Foundation Armor concrete sealers and coatings are formulated with high quality, non-recycled resins so that they can offer superior performance abilities.
Concrete Sealers – Which Concrete Sealers Can Be Tinted?
Solvent based acrylic concrete sealers, and concrete coatings, can be tinted with a color. For a paint-like finish, solvent based acrylic concrete sealers can be tinted with an opaque color pack. For a semi-transparent tint that will still allow the concrete to be visible through the sealer, a semi-transparent tint back can be added. Concrete coatings will vary, but coatings like the Armor UTN60, and Armor UTX60 Gloss can be applied in a color for a high gloss paint like finish.
Concrete Sealers – Which Concrete Sealers Are Non-Slip?
Penetrating concrete sealers are naturally non-slip because they don’t leave behind a surface film or coating. The surface traction of the concrete will remain untouched and the concrete will look and feel exactly as it did before being sealed. Acrylic sealers will become slippery when wet because the water is left sitting on the surface, on top of the concrete sealer. In order to increase surface traction, a non-slip additive can be added to the acrylic concrete sealer.
Why Foundation Armor?
At Foundation Armor, we formulate and manufacture only the finest concrete sealers, epoxy and urethane sealers, as well as other coatings and complementary products. Our brand very closely aligns with our values and those values are reflected in the quality of our products, and in our level of customer service. Our products are designed to out-last and out-perform other competing brands, and our customer service is founded on the basis that developing long-term relationships are always a top priority. Here are a few things you will find when considering a Foundation Armor product such as our industry leading concrete sealers.
We use non-recycled resins in our products to ensure that high quality, pure ingredients are used in our formulations. They perform better and last longer than similar products on the market reducing discoloration from yellowing and minimizing premature coating failure
We provide the same great products formulated for industrial applications to both homeowners and contractors. We provide only the best for our entire customer base.
We are there for our customers from product selection to product application, and beyond. We strive for complete and total customer satisfaction and aim to create lasting relationships.
We are transparent in everything that we do, and everything that we write. We want our customers to choose a product because it is truly the best product for their application.
We have thousands of 5-Star reviews across all distributor channels, and hundreds of fantastic customer photos. Our amazing customers can attest to the quality, life, look, and performance of the products we manufacture.
We are a multi-generational family owned and operated business. We take pride in every product we release, and every sale, review, and relationship is very personal and important to us. Our amazing customer base, and our fantastic, talented employees, have made us a leader in the industry for over a decade.
Concrete Sealer – Foundation Armor, the World’s Best Concrete Sealer - Paver Sealer, Concrete Driveway Sealer, Stamped Concrete Sealer, Concrete Floor Sealer, Concrete Patio Sealer, Pool Deck Sealer and More!
Our concrete sealers – premium residential and commercial water-based and solvent-based concrete sealers – wet look concrete sealers for a high gloss or low gloss concrete sealer finish as well as penetrating concrete sealers for a natural, matte concrete finish
Foundation Armor manufactures a complete line of concrete sealers and coatings that are designed to seal, enhance, and protect interior and exterior concrete. Whether you are looking to preserve the natural look of your concrete, enhance your concrete with a low to high gloss finish, or protect your concrete against oil and gas, Foundation Armor has a concrete sealer for your application.
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Concrete Sealers
With so many concrete sealers on the market it can be hard to choose the best concrete sealer. Most concrete sealers fall into one of the following categories: penetrating concrete sealers, wet look concrete sealers, low gloss and high gloss concrete sealers, and concrete coatings.
Penetrating Concrete Sealer - Penetrating concrete sealers are designed to protect the concrete from below the surface and will not change the look or color of the concrete. Penetrating concrete sealers are great concrete sealers to use if you are looking to protect your concrete without changing the look or color of your concrete.
Wet Look Concrete Sealer - Wet look concrete sealers are designed to enhance the concrete with a darkened wet look. Under the category of wet look concrete sealers there are penetrating wet look sealers, which won’t leave a surface film, and low to high gloss wet look sealers which will enhance the concrete with a wet look and leave a low gloss to high gloss surface film. Wet look concrete sealers are great concrete sealers to use if you want to enhance the color of the concrete to give it a similar appearance to being wet.
Low Gloss and High Gloss Concrete Sealers - Low gloss concrete sealers and high gloss concrete sealers are designed to enhance concrete with a low gloss to high gloss finish. Low and high gloss concrete sealers come in the form of acrylic sealers and acrylic waxes. Low gloss and high gloss concrete sealers are great concrete sealers to use if you want to enhance your concrete with a low gloss finish, a high gloss finish, or a colored finish.
Concrete Coatings - Concrete coatings are designed mostly for interior concrete surfaces and are designed to protect the concrete against oil, gas, and chemicals. Concrete coatings are typically in the form of an epoxy or urethane coating. Concrete coatings are great to use on interior concrete where maximum protection is required.
Water Based Concrete Sealers and Solvent Based Concrete Sealers
Concrete sealers and coatings are available in water based and solvent based formulations. Whether a water based concrete sealer is best for your application, or a solvent based concrete sealer, depends on several factors. Here are a few things to consider when choosing between a water based concrete sealer and a solvent based concrete sealer:
Concrete Sealer Odor – Solvent based concrete sealers and coatings will have an odor during the time of application, and for up to a week after until all the solvents have fully dissipated. Water based concrete sealers and coatings have little to no odor. If you are sensitive to odors, or don’t have the ability to properly ventilate your area, a water based concrete sealer or coating may be the best option.
Concrete Sealer Look – When it comes to acrylic concrete sealers, there is a difference in what concrete looks like when sealed with a water-based acrylic, versus a solvent-based acrylic concrete sealer. When concrete is sealed with a water based acrylic sealer, the color of the concrete will experience little, to no color enhancement. When concrete is sealed with a solvent based acrylic sealer, the color of the concrete will darken and resemble a similar appearance to being wet. If you want a low to high gloss finish without changing the color of the concrete, a water based acrylic concrete sealer is the best option. If you want a low to high gloss finish and you want a wet look, a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer is the best option. When it comes to concrete coatings, this is also something to consider. While the color of the concrete will be enhanced more than it would with a water based concrete coating, you won’t get as much of a color enhancement as you would with an acrylic sealer.
Concrete Sealer Application – When it comes to the application and clean-up of concrete sealers, there is a bit more work involved when using a solvent based concrete sealer or coating than there is with a water based concrete sealer or coating. Most sprayers and rollers don’t have any special requirements and can quickly be cleaned with soap and water when a water based concrete sealer is used. When a solvent based concrete sealer or coating is used, you typically need solvent or acetone resistant materials, and you will need to clean up with a solvent cleaner. If you want a concrete sealer that doesn’t require special application tools, and is easy to clean-up, a water based concrete sealer or coating may be the best option.
Concrete Sealer Maintenance – When it comes to the maintenance of concrete sealers, you will see a difference between water based acrylic sealers and solvent based acrylic sealers. Solvent based acrylic concrete sealers are very easy to apply and maintain. If they experience any issues during their life, they can easily be repaired with Xylene or the Armor Blush Repair. When it comes time to recoat a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer, you just simply apply a fresh coat to a completely clean and dry surface. Water based acrylic concrete sealers aren’t that easy to maintain or recoat. If something goes wrong with a water based acrylic concrete sealer and it delaminates, most of the time the sealer needs to be completely removed. When it comes time to recoat a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer, the surface may need to be scuffed, or the old coating may need to be removed. If you want an acrylic concrete sealer that is easy to maintain and recoat, a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer may be the best option.
If you plan to use a penetrating concrete sealer, like a Silane-Siloxane water repellent, odor is something that should be considered, but you will find there isn’t any difference in look or maintenance. With penetrating concrete sealers, the water and solvent are simply the carrying agent for the Silane-Siloxane. You will find they offer the same benefits in terms of life and performance. Whether or not you choose a water based penetrating concrete sealer or a solvent based penetrating concrete sealer will be dependent strictly on preference.
Concrete Sealers - Chemical Makeup and Formulation
Silicate Concrete Sealers – Silicate concrete sealers are also known as concrete densifiers. They chemically react below the surface to form calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) within the pores. The hardened CSH formed, reduces the size of the pores, and therefore increases the strength and density of the concrete. Once the silicate chemically reacts with the concrete, all that is left is the CSH, which can never be removed. Foundation Armor manufactures two silicate concrete sealers, the Armor S2000 and the Armor L3000. Both sealers spark the same chemical reaction in the concrete, making them both a great choice for increasing the strength and density of the concrete. The molecule size in the Armor S2000 is slightly larger than the molecule size of the Armor L3000, making the Armor S2000 great for surfaces that are more porous, and making the Armor L3000 great for surfaces that are less porous. Silicate concrete sealers are great for sealing concrete that needs an increase in strength and density. They are also commonly used in the concrete polishing process.
Siliconate Concrete Sealers – Siliconate concrete sealers are very similar to Silane-Siloxane sealers in that they work entirely below the surface to reduce the absorption of surface water, but they can only be used on white and very light concrete surfaces. If you apply a siliconate concrete sealer to medium or dark surfaces, you can be left with white deposits on the surface of the concrete. Siliconate sealers, like the Armor SC25, are very popular on surfaces where maintaining the white, or very light finish, of the concrete is important.
Silane Siloxane Concrete Sealers – Silane Siloxane sealers are commonly known as water repellent sealers. They chemically react below the surface to form a hydrophobic barrier within the pores that will reduce the absorption of water through the concrete. Silane-Siloxane concrete sealers are the most popular type of penetrating concrete sealer because they offer the most protection a penetrating concrete sealer can offer. By reducing the absorption of surface water, damage and deterioration caused by water absorption will be reduced. Concrete sealed with a Silane-Siloxane sealer will be easier to clean, stay cleaner longer, experience less damage caused by ice and water, and experience less mold and mildew growth on the surface. Now, while Silane-Siloxane concrete sealers are commonly referred to as a water repellent sealer, not all surfaces will bead water, and the surfaces that do bead water won’t bead water for the entire life of the sealer. The bead effect is from resins that have formed in the surface pores. Because Silane-Siloxane concrete sealers aren’t designed as coatings, the resins that were deposited on the surface will be short lived. Silane-Siloxane sealers are designed to work entirely below the surface to slow down the movement of water. By keeping the water closer to the surface, you will notice that the concrete stays dry longer, and dries significantly faster when it comes into contact with the water. Foundation Armor Silane-Siloxane sealers will provide up to 7-10 years of life before the need to reseal.
Foundation Armor manufactures two Silane-Siloxane concrete sealers, the Armor SX5000 and the Armor SX5000 WB. The Armor SX5000 is solvent based and the Armor SX5000 WB is water based. Both Silane-Siloxane sealers offer the same benefits in terms of life and performance. Which Silane-Siloxane sealer is best for your application depends on your preference of working with water or solvent based materials. Many homeowners prefer water based Silane-Siloxane sealers because they are easy to apply, easy to clean up with soap and water, and don’t have an odor.
Acrylic Hybrid Concrete Sealers – Foundation Armor manufactures one acrylic hybrid-sealer, the Armor WL550. The Armor WL550 is designed to function like a silane-siloxane concrete sealer, but it also includes a small amount of acrylic resin that will slightly darken the color of the concrete. It won’t offer as much of a color enhancement as an acrylic sealer, but it will offer some. If you want a slight color enhancement, but are still looking for a penetrating sealer, the Armor WL550 is a great choice.
Acrylic Concrete Sealers – Acrylic concrete sealers are designed to enhance and protect concrete surfaces. Penetrating concrete sealers work entirely below the surface and leave the surface exposed, but acrylic concrete sealers leave behind a visible, protective surface film. They offer the greatest protection a concrete sealer can offer for exterior concrete surfaces. If you want the greatest protection you can get against water absorption, surface abrasion, and staining, or if you want a true wet look, low gloss, high gloss, or color-enhanced finish, an acrylic sealer is the best concrete sealer for your application.
Foundation Armor manufactures both solvent based acrylic concrete sealers and water based acrylic concrete sealers, each offering their own benefits in terms of look. If you want a low to high gloss finish, but like the color of your concrete and don’t want to change it, a water based acrylic sealer like the Armor WB15 or Armor WB25 are best. They will enhance the concrete with a low to high gloss, without changing the color of the concrete. If you like the look of your concrete when it is wet and want a true wet look finish, or if you want a semi-transparent color, or a paint-like color finish, a solvent based acrylic sealer like the Armor AR350, Armor AR500, or Armor AX25 is best. If you want those same finishes but your concrete is new and not fully cured, the Armor LV15 and Armor LV25 are great options. Acrylic concrete sealers typically need to be re-applied every 1-3 years.
Acrylic Wax – Acrylic waxes can only be used on interior concrete surfaces as they are not designed to withstand exposure to large amounts of subsurface water or moisture. Acrylic waxes are fantastic to use over unsealed concrete floors, and over existing concrete coatings because they will instantly refresh and renew dull or faded surfaces. They can be mopped onto a clean floor with a microfiber mop and are very popular in a variety of interior applications. Foundation Armor manufactures a matte wax and a high gloss wax. Acrylic waxes are typically applied as needed.
Epoxy Concrete Coatings – Epoxy coatings are great bonding primers, and they are very popular garage floor coatings. They offer more protection than an acrylic sealer, but not as much protection as a urethane coating. The Armor Epoxy coating is a great choice for basements, garage floors, and interior concrete floors. Epoxy coatings can last for up to 7-10 years on an interior surface and can easily be maintained with an acrylic concrete wax.
Urethane Concrete Coatings – Foundation Armor urethane coatings are the strongest coatings you can apply to interior concrete floors. The Armor UTN60 is a solvent based urethane coating, and the Armor UTX60 Matte and High Gloss are water-based urethane coatings. While these coatings require surface preparation, they offer the most protection against oil, gas, chemicals, surface abrasion, and vehicle traffic. They are also the longest lasting concrete coatings because of how durable they are. Most urethane coatings will last for up to 10 or more years, and can easily be maintained with an acrylic concrete wax.
Concrete Cleaners, Sealer Removers, and Coating Strippers – In additional to offering a complete line of concrete sealers and coatings, Foundation Armor also manufactures a complete line of concrete cleaners, concrete sealer removers, and concrete coating strippers. For more information about our maintenance products, please visit our concrete cleaners page.
Non-Slip Additives and Color Packs for Concrete Sealers and Coatings – Foundation Armor manufacturers non-slip additives in various levels of coarseness, semi-transparent and opaque color packs for solvent based acrylic concrete sealers, and color packs for urethane coatings. For more information about each type of product, please visit the product pages.
Choosing A Concrete Sealer to Reseal Your Concrete With
If your concrete is unsealed, you are free to choose the concrete sealer you wish to use. If your concrete is currently sealed however, you need to make sure that the new concrete sealer is compatible with the old concrete sealer. If you apply a concrete sealer over something it isn’t compatible with, it could result in the failure of both concrete sealers. Here are a few general guidelines of what you can seal your concrete with based on what your concrete is currently sealed with:
Silane-Siloxane Concrete Sealer – If your concrete is currently sealed with a Silane-Siloxane concrete sealer, you can recoat with a Silane-Siloxane concrete sealer, an acrylic concrete sealer, or a concrete coating. It is crucial to make sure that the existing Silane-Siloxane concrete sealer is no longer beading water. If there is still resin in the pores, you can only re-apply with a solvent based concrete sealer because the Silane-Siloxane will bead a water based concrete sealer and cause it to fail. If you are resealing with a concrete coating, such as an epoxy or urethane, additional surface preparation may be required. It is best to follow the recommendations of the coating you will be applying.
Silicate Concrete Sealer– If your concrete is currently sealed with a silicate concrete sealer, you can recoat with a Silane-Siloxane concrete sealer, an acrylic concrete sealer, or a concrete coating so long as it has been at least 7 days. If you are resealing with a concrete coating, such as an epoxy or urethane, additional surface preparation may be required because the silicates are designed to reduce the size of the pores, and therefore the bonding surface. It is best to follow the recommendations of the coating you will be applying.
Acrylic Concrete Sealer – The general rule of thumb is that if your concrete is currently sealed with a water based acrylic concrete sealer then you want to recoat with a water based acrylic concrete sealer; if your concrete is currently sealed with a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer then you want to recoat with a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer. If your concrete is currently sealed with a water based acrylic concrete sealer and you want to switch to a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer, or if your concrete is currently sealed with a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer and you want to switch to a water based acrylic concrete sealer, you may have to remove the old acrylic concrete sealer first. If this is something you want to do, it is best to contact a Foundation Armor technician before moving forward so that they can ask a few qualifying questions to see if a removal is required prior to reapplication.
Epoxy or Urethane Coating – For the most part, you can mix concrete coatings. An epoxy can be applied over a urethane, and a urethane over an epoxy. Surface preparation and recoat windows will be key to the success. Every concrete coating is different so prior to recoating your concrete that has an epoxy or urethane coating down, it is best to talk to a Foundation Armor technician. If your concrete coating is still in good condition, but you want to touch up the gloss, acrylic concrete waxes can easily be mopped onto a surface with an epoxy or urethane coating on it to instantly refresh the look of the concrete coating.
Concrete Wax – Concrete waxes are semi-sacrificial coatings and should only be recoated with a concrete wax other wise you run the risk of delamination and coating failure.
Best Concrete Sealers by Substrate Type
Concrete sealers can be used in a variety of applications, and on a variety of surfaces, but not all concrete sealers can be used to seal every type of surface. Here are a few different types of surfaces, and which concrete sealer is best for each:
Stamped Concrete Sealer – When stamped concrete is first installed, it is very common for an acrylic concrete sealer to be used. Acrylic concrete sealers will help to enhance and preserve the color of the stamped concrete and help to preserve the newly installed stamp. For that reason, the most common type of concrete sealer to seal stamped concrete with is, is a water based or solvent based acrylic concrete sealer. If your stamped concrete was previously sealed with a water based acrylic concrete sealer, you want to reseal with a water based acrylic concrete sealer, and if your stamped concrete was previously sealed with a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer, you want to reseal with a solvent based acrylic sealer. If the old acrylic sealer has completely worn off, it may be safe to switch from a water based acrylic to a solvent based, or a solvent based acrylic sealer to water based, but it is best to contact a Foundation Armor technician before doing so. If all of the original acrylic concrete sealer has been removed, and it has been at least 5 years since the stamped concrete was sealed, a penetrating concrete sealer can be used, but you won’t get any color enhancement or gloss.
There are pros and cons of both types of concrete sealers when it comes to sealing stamped concrete. If you don’t want to maintain a coating, but want some level of protection, a penetrating concrete sealer is always better than no concrete sealer at all. Penetrating sealers will help to reduce damage and deterioration caused by water absorption, and will help to keep the concrete looking cleaner, longer. If you live in an environment where the winters are harsh, or the concrete takes a lot of abuse, an acrylic concrete sealer should be used to keep the concrete protected, and significantly reduce damage and deterioration to the surface. Acrylic concrete sealers will also help to dramatically transform stamped concrete, bringing out the color and enhancing it with a low to high gloss finish. While acrylic sealers do require the stamped concrete to be recoated as early as every 1-2 years, the benefits acrylic sealers offer in terms of looks and performance are rewarding.
Poured and Broom Finished Concrete Sealers – It is very common for concrete to be sealed with a penetrating concrete sealer, or an acrylic sealer. When choosing the best concrete sealer for your poured or broom finished concrete you want to take into consider what you want the concrete to look like once sealed, what you want the concrete sealer to offer in terms of performance, and what your concrete is currently sealed with.
Penetrating concrete sealers are very common on interior and exterior concrete simply because they are easy to apply, won’t change the look or color of the concrete, and will provide years of life and performance before the need to reseal. Penetrating concrete sealers are great for prevention, but the surface of the concrete is still left fully exposed, and therefore susceptible to staining, and damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion. If you need complete protection against staining and deterioration caused by foot or vehicle traffic, of if you simply want to enhance the concrete with a color or gloss, an acrylic sealer is best for exterior concrete, and an epoxy, urethane, or wax for interior concrete.
If your concrete is currently sealed, there are some limitations as to what you can reseal with because you need to make sure that the old concrete sealer is compatible with the new. Water based acrylic concrete sealers should be resealed with water based acrylic concrete sealers, solvent based acrylic concrete sealers should be resealed with solvent based acrylic concrete sealers, penetrating sealers can be resealed with a penetrating sealer or acrylic sealer so long as the penetrating sealer no longer beads water and no longer reduces water absorption, etc. With interior coatings, epoxies and urethanes can be resealed with a similar coating, or wax, so long as the concrete has been properly prepared and application suggestions have been followed. This can be a detailed subject so if you are looking to reseal concrete that is currently sealed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a Foundation Armor technician for help with product selection.
White and Very Light Concrete Sealers – Most applications where white or very light concrete is used, we find people want to preserve the very light finish. The best concrete sealer that can be used for white and very light concrete is the Armor SC25. If you want to enhance the concrete with a low to high gloss finish, a water based acrylic concrete sealer will provide the least amount of color enhancement to the concrete. If you are considering the use of an acrylic concrete sealer, apply to a test area first to make sure you are satisfied with the level of color enhancements the acrylic sealer provided.
Paver Sealer – Concrete pavers can be sealed with a penetrating concrete sealer or an acrylic concrete sealer. Both categories of concrete sealers are great for use as paver sealers. If you like the look of your pavers and want to maintain the natural, unsealed look, penetrating concrete sealers are a great option. Water repellent sealers are the most common as they will help to reduce damage and deterioration to the pavers caused by the absorption of water. If you like the look of your pavers when they are wet, a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer will help to achieve a nice wet look. Acrylic concrete sealers will also help to provide protection against damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion. If you want a gloss without the enhanced wet look, a water based acrylic sealer is a great option as a paver sealer.
When choosing an acrylic concrete paver sealer it is important to take into consideration the porosity of the pavers. Pavers may be made from concrete, but they are significantly less dense and will soak up large amounts of material. For this reason, the gloss level of the acrylic sealer will be significantly reduced. While you may want a beautiful high gloss finish on your pavers, it may be hard to achieve that, especially if it is your first time sealing. While a third coat can be applied, you don’t want to apply too many more coats because you risk reducing the breathability of the paver sealer which can result in coating failure. It is always best to order a few acrylic concrete sealer samples and try them on your pavers before purchasing in larger quantities. Porosity isn’t something that can be easily tested, so applying a test area will accurately show you what your pavers will look like when sealed with the paver sealer you are testing. It will also help to gauge how many coats you require to get the look you are trying to achieve.
If your pavers are currently sealed, it will limit what you can reseal your pavers with. Typically, if a water based acrylic concrete sealer was used, you need to reseal with a water based acrylic concrete sealer. If a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer was used as a paver sealer, you need to reseal with a solvent based acrylic concrete sealer. If a penetrating concrete sealer was used as your paver sealer and the pavers no longer bead water, and water absorption isn’t reduced or slowed in anyway, you are free to reseal with a penetrating sealer or an acrylic sealer. If you have any questions about what to reseal with, please don’t hesitate to contact a Foundation Armor technician.
Red Brick Sealer – Red brick is very porous, and for that reason, you are limited to what you use as your concrete brick sealer. The best brick sealers to use on red brick are penetrating sealers. For no color enhancement, the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB are best. For a slight color enhancement, or wet look, the Armor WL550 is a great brick sealer option. While many people want to try and achieve a gloss on red brick, acrylic sealers can’t typically handle the porosity of the brick. If an acrylic sealer is applied as your brick sealer to the exterior of your brick, it can last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months before it fails. For this reason, it is best to avoid using an acrylic concrete sealer as your brick sealer.
Now, whether or not you can use an acrylic sealer on brick is circumstantial. While it is never okay to use an acrylic sealer on a brick driveway, walkway, or patio, it may be ok to use an acrylic sealer on an interior brick wall or floor, or on a brick face. If proper moisture barriers were used to stop subsurface water and moisture, an acrylic concrete sealer may be able to survive. Before using an acrylic concrete sealer as a brick sealer however, I would consider not only applying the acrylic concrete sealer to a test area, but allowing it to stay on that test area for a longer period of time to test how long the acrylic sealer will last on that brick, in that environment.
If your brick is currently sealed, you want to make sure the new brick sealer is compatible with the old brick sealer. If a water repellent concrete brick sealer was used, it can be resealed with a water repellent brick sealer as long as the old water repellent sealer is no longer beading water, or slowing down the absorption of water on the surface. If a coating was used, whether it be an acrylic or other type, you want to make sure the old coating is still intact, and isn’t experiencing any issues with delamination. If you currently have a coating down and are looking to re-coat, it is best to talk to a technician before making a purchasing decision for your brick sealer.
Flagstone Sealer, Bluestone Sealer, Slate Sealer – Flagstone, Bluestone, and Slate are very porous material and will allow for large amounts of subsurface moisture to penetrate up through the surface. For this reason, it limits the types of sealers that can be used. The best concrete sealers for flagstone, bluestone, and slate, are penetrating sealers like the Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB. For a slight color enhanced wet look, the Armor WL550 is also a great option. Acrylic concrete sealers should however be avoided as the failure rate when used as flagstone sealers, bluestone sealers, and slate sealers are fairly high. In some cases an acrylic sealer may last a couple of weeks, and in others a couple of months. If you are willing to take the risk and try an acrylic sealer on your natural stone, be sure to apply the acrylic sealer to a test area, and let it stay there for an extended period of time. Acrylic sealers have been used as flagstone sealer, bluestone sealer, and slate sealer, but the failure rate is significantly higher than the success rate.
If your flagstone, bluestone, or slate is currently sealed, you want to make sure the new stone sealer is compatible with the old stone sealer. If a water repellent concrete sealer was used, it can be resealed with a water repellent sealer as long as the old water repellent sealer is no longer beading water, or slowing down the absorption of water on the surface. If a coating was used, whether it be an acrylic or other type, you want to make sure the old coating is still in tact, and isn’t experiencing any issues with delamination. If you currently have a coating down and are looking to re-coat, it is best to talk to a technician before making a purchasing decision.
Stucco Sealer – Stucco is very limited when it comes to the types of concrete sealers you can use. The best concrete sealers for stucco are concrete densifiers, which are great for stucco in need of an increase in strength or density, or water repellent sealers like the Armor SX5000 WB, which are great for reducing damage and deterioration to the stucco caused by water absorption. These types of sealers can only be applied to stucco that isn’t painted or sealed. If the stucco is currently sealed or painted, a penetrating sealer can’t be used as stucco sealer.
Best Concrete Sealers by Application
With so many concrete sealers, it can be hard to choose the best concrete sealer for your application. While most concrete sealer buying decisions can come down to what you are sealing, and what you want your concrete to look like once sealed, there are a few other performance factors to consider as well. Here are a few common concrete sealer applications and things to consider when purchasing a concrete sealer for those applications.
Concrete Driveway Sealer - If you are looking to maintain the natural, unsealed look of your concrete driveway, a penetrating concrete driveway sealer like the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB are great choices. If you want a wet look, low to high gloss, colored or tinted finish, or if you require complete and total protection against surface abrasion and staining, an acrylic concrete driveway sealer is a great option. Penetrating concrete driveway sealers work entirely below the surface to reduce damage and deterioration, and acrylic sealers, also a great choice as concrete driveway sealers, will leave a protective film on the surface that are designed to stop damage and deterioration.
Stamped Concrete Driveway Sealer - It is very common for stamped concrete driveways to be sealed with an acrylic sealer upon installation. For this reason, most stamped concrete driveways are resealed with a water based acrylic stamped concrete sealer or a solvent based acrylic stamped concrete sealer. A good rule of thumb to follow is if your stamped concrete driveway is currently sealed with a water based acrylic sealer, you want to reseal with a water based acrylic sealer, and if the stamped concrete driveway is currently sealed with a solvent based acrylic sealer, you want to reseal with a solvent based acrylic sealer. A penetrating sealer used for your stamped concrete driveway sealer, one like the Armor SX5000 WB, can only be used if the stamped concrete driveway is unsealed. If the stamped concrete is unsealed, penetrating sealers are great stamped concrete driveway sealers for maintaining the natural, unsealed look of the stamped concrete.
Paver Driveway Sealer- If you like the look of your unsealed pavers and want to preserve the natural finish of the pavers, a penetrating concrete paver sealer like the Armor SX5000 WB is a great option. If you want a very slight color enhancement, but still don’t want to maintain a coating, the Armor WL550 is a great option for your paver driveway. If you want a low to high gloss finish, and you want complete protection against damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion and staining, an acrylic concrete paver sealer is best.
Brick Driveway Sealer - The best brick driveway sealer for use on brick is a water repellent brick sealer like the Armor SX5000 WB. It works entirely below the surface to reduce damage and deterioration to the brick without changing the look or color. A second option for brick sealers on your brick driveway is the Armor WL550. It works entirely below the surface as well, but comes with the added benefit of offering a very slight color enhancement.
Concrete Patio Sealer - Penetrating concrete sealers are a great option as a concrete patio sealer as they preserve your concrete patio. If you are looking to enhance and bring out the color in your concrete patio than acrylic patio concrete sealers will work best. If you want to maintain the natural unsealed look of your concrete patio, while still getting protection against the damage caused by water absorption, a penetrating concrete sealer like the Armor SX5000 WB and Armor SX5000 are great choices. If you want a color enhancement, color change, or low to high gloss finish, an acrylic concrete patio sealer is the best option.
Paver Patio Sealer- Looking for a paver patio sealer and like the look of your unsealed pavers and don’t want to change what they look like, you want to seal your paver patio with a penetrating patio sealer like the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB. They will reduce damage and deterioration caused by water absorption without changing the look or color of the patio pavers without leaving behind a visible surface film. If you want a slight color enhancement, but don’t want to maintain a surface film, the Armor WL550 is a great paver patio sealer alternative. If you want a deeper color enhancement, or if you want a low to high gloss finish, an acrylic concrete sealer as your paver patio sealer is the best option.
Stamped Concrete Patio Sealer - The most popular type of stamped concrete patio sealer is an acrylic concrete sealer. Acrylic concrete sealers will enhance and protect the integral color of the stamped concrete patio, and it will enhance the stamped concrete patio surface with a low to high gloss finish. While it is less common to find unsealed stamped concrete patios, if your stamped concrete is unsealed, and isn’t colored, it can be sealed with a penetrating concrete patio sealer to preserve the natural, unsealed look of the stamped concrete patio.
Brick PatioSealer - The best brick patio sealers are the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB. They help to reduce damage and deterioration to the brick patio caused by water absorption, while at the same time maintaining the natural, unsealed look. For a slight color enhancement without the required maintenance of a film or coating, the best brick patio sealer is the Armor WL550.
Stone Patio Sealer - The best stone patio sealer for a natural stone patio are the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB. They will help to protect the natural stone against damage and deterioration caused by water absorption, without changing the look or color of the natural stone. For a slight color enhancement, the Armor WL550 is a great option as a stone patio sealer.
Concrete Pool Deck Sealer– Looking for a concrete pool deck sealer and your concrete pool deck is currently unsealed and you want a naturally non-slip concrete pool deck sealer that won’t change the look, color, or surface traction of your concrete pool deck, the Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB are great concrete pool deck sealer options. They protect the pool deck concrete from below the surface and work to reduce damage and deterioration caused by water absorption. For a slight color enhancement without having to worry about maintaining a coating, the Armor WL550 is a great pool deck sealer alternative. If you want to enhance your concrete pool deck with a color, or low to high gloss finish, an acrylic concrete pool deck sealer is a great option. Acrylic sealers used as a pool deck sealer will also offer complete protection against damage caused by water absorption and surface abrasion. Acrylic sealers are slippery when wet however so it is important to add the Armor Non-Slip Additive to the acrylic if you are sealing your pool deck.
Paver Pool Deck Sealer – looking for paver pool deck sealer and your paver pool deck is currently unsealed and you want a naturally non-slip concrete sealer, the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB are the best options as your paver pool deck sealer. They work entirely below the surface to reduce damage and deterioration caused by water absorption, conditions that are ample around your pool!. If you are looking for a sealer that behaves like a penetrating concrete pool deck sealer, but also offers a very slight color enhancement to you pool deck, the Armor WL550 is a great paver pool deck sealer option as well. If you are partial towards a true wet look for your paver pool deck, or if you want a low to high gloss paver sealer finish, acrylic sealers are great options. In addition to offering color enhancement to the pool pavers, they work to fully protect the concrete against deterioration caused by water and surface abrasion, both conditions which are common around your pool. Acrylic pool deck sealers do leave behind a visible surface film however and can be slippery when wet. For this reason, it is important to add the Armor Non-Slip additive to the acrylic sealer before sealing your paver pool deck.
Brick Pool Deck Sealer - The three best brick pool deck sealers are the Armor SX5000, Armor SX5000 WB, or Armor WL550. The Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB will work entirely below the surface without changing the look or color, and the Armor WL550 will work entirely below the surface while also offering a very slight color enhancement. Foundation Armor has a perfect solution for your brick pool deck sealer finish!
Stamped Concrete Pool Deck Sealer– Looking for stamped concrete pool deck sealers, you guessed it we have great options! Most stamped concrete pool decks are sealed upon installation with an acrylic concrete pool deck sealer. Acrylic concrete sealers not only provide a protective surface barrier, but they help to enhance and preserve the integral color of the stamped concrete pool deck. Acrylic sealers are the most common type of sealer for stamped concrete pool decks. Acrylic sealers do leave behind a surface film that can be slippery when wet so it is important to add the Armor Non-Slip Additive to the acrylic sealer when using it as your stamped concrete pool deck sealer. If the stamped concrete pool deck is unsealed, and isn’t integrally colored, a penetrating sealer like the Armor SX5000, Armor SX5000 WB, or Armor WL550 can be used as your stamped concrete pool deck sealer to help protect the stamped concrete against damage caused by water absorption.
Concrete Walkway Sealer - If you are looking for the best concrete walkway sealer, and want one that won’t change the look or color, a penetrating concrete sealer like the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB are best to use as your concrete walkway sealer. For a slight color enhancement to your concrete walkway, the Armor WL550 is a also a great option as your concrete walkway sealer. If you are looking for a wet look concrete walkway sealer, color enhancement, color change, or low to high gloss finish, an acrylic concrete walkway sealer is the best option for your concrete walkway.
Brick Walkway Sealer- The best brick walkway sealers to use on a brick walkway are the Armor SX5000, Armor SX5000 WB, and Armor WL550. The Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB will protect the brick without changing the look or color, and the Armor WL550 will offer a very slight color enhancement.
Stone Walkway Sealer - The best stone walkway sealers to use on a natural stone walkway, those made of flagstone, bluestone and others, are the Armor SX5000, Armor SX5000 WB, and Armor WL550. The Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB will protect the natural stone without changing the look or color, and the Armor WL550 will offer a very slight color enhancement to your natural stone walkway. Choose your stone walkway sealer based on the desired finished look!
Stamped Concrete Walkway - The most popular types of stamped concrete walkway sealers for stamped concrete walkways are our acrylic concrete sealers. Acrylic concrete sealers for stamped concrete walkways will enhance and preserve the integral color of the stamped concrete walkway, and enhance it with a protective low to high gloss surface film. If the stamped concrete walkway is unsealed and isn’t colored, a penetrating concrete sealer can be used as your stamped concrete walkway to maintain the natural, unsealed look of the stamped concrete.
Garage Floor Sealers - When it comes to concrete garage floor sealers, there are a lot of options. Penetrating concrete sealers are great for reducing damage and deterioration caused by water absorption, without changing the look or color. With penetrating sealers however, the surface of the concrete garage floor is exposed, and staining may occur. Acrylic concrete sealers are very popular as garage floor sealers, as are concrete waxes, simply because they are easy to apply to your garage floor and require minimal surface preparation. The downfall to an acrylic sealer as your garage floor sealer is that they are not fully resistant to oil and gas. Acrylic sealers are great for residential garages where surface spills are not a common concern. For applications where resistance to oil, gas, and chemicals are required, an industrial coating like the Armor UTN60 or Armor UTX60 are best as your concrete garage floor sealer.
Interior Concrete Floor Sealers - The best concrete sealer for your interior concrete floor really depends on where the concrete floor is located (basement, living room, bedroom, etc.), and what you want the coating to offer in terms of performance. Acrylic waxes are very common for interior floors because they can easily be mopped onto a variety of surfaces with a microfiber mop. They instantly refresh and protect a variety of surfaces. Concrete densifiers, penetrating concrete sealers, acrylic concrete sealers, and epoxies and urethanes are also common. For assistance with choosing the best concrete sealer for your interior concrete floor, please don’t hesitate to contact a Foundation Armor technician.
Industrial Concrete Sealers For Commercial Applications
Foundation Armor concrete sealers and concrete coatings are premium grade industrial concrete sealers designed to perform in some of the toughest environments. The best industrial concrete sealer for your commercial, high traffic application will depend entirely on what you need from the industrial concrete sealer in terms of performance, what you want the concrete to look like once sealed, and how much time you can block off to allow for the concrete sealer to be applied and fully cure. Foundation Armor manufactures industrial concrete sealers, commercial concrete sealers and industrial concrete coatings for a variety of commercial applications.
We Offer the Following Premium Industrial Grade Concrete Sealers
Concrete Warehouse Floor Sealer
Concrete Manufacturing Floor Sealer
Concrete Sealer for Storage Facilities
Concrete Parking Lot Sealer
Concrete Parking Garage Deck Sealer
Concrete Parking Deck Sealer
Concrete Bridge Sealer
Concrete Pool Deck Sealer for Public and Commercial use
Commercial Concrete Walkway Sealer for Commercial Locations
Commercial Concrete Driveway Sealer
Concrete Sidewalk Sealer
Industrial Floor Sealer for Universities, Shopping Plazas, and Restaurants
Polished Concrete Floor Sealers
Concrete Sealers for Casinos, Country Clubs, and Resort Applications
Aviation Concrete Sealer
Concrete Sealer for Military Bases and Applications
Concrete Building Sealer
Interior Concrete Floor Sealer
Whether you are looking for a penetrating sealer to seal a parking lot, an acrylic sealer to enhance and instantly transform a pool deck, an industrial coating that can withstand exposure to oil, gas, and chemicals, or a wax that can help to maintain and renew an existing coating, Foundation Armor has an industrial grade concrete sealer or industrial concrete coating for your application. For help with product selection, please don’t hesitate to contact a Foundation Armor technician.
Frequently Asked Questions About Concrete Sealers
Concrete Sealers – How Long do They Last?
The type of concrete sealer will partially be responsible for determining the life of the concrete sealer. The actual life of the concrete sealer however will depend on the concrete being sealed, the porosity of the concrete, the type of concrete, the age of the concrete, the amount of concrete sealer applied to the concrete, and how hard the concrete sealer needs to work to protect the concrete. Some concrete needs to be sealed every year, and some concrete can go a few years without the need to reseal. Here are a few general guidelines of how long concrete sealers may last.
Silicate Concrete Sealers – Silicate concrete sealers spark a chemical reaction in the concrete. The CSH formed from the chemical reaction will never break down.
Silane-Siloxane Concrete Sealers – Concrete sealed with a silane siloxane concrete sealer need to be resealed every 5-7 years.
Acrylic Concrete Sealers – Concrete sealed with an acrylic concrete sealer needs to be resealed every 6 months to 3 years. Climate will be a big determining factor for how long an acrylic sealer will last on concrete.
Epoxy and Urethane Concrete Coatings – Concrete sealed with an epoxy or urethane coating will need to be resealed every 5-10 years. In cases where an acrylic wax was used to maintain the coating, the concrete coating can last longer.
Concrete Sealers – How do I Reduce Concrete Stains
All concrete sealers will reduce future staining of your concrete surface. Penetrating concrete sealers work to reduce the movement of water and other liquids through the concrete, keeping them at the surface to allow for a quick and easy clean-up. Acrylic concrete sealers and concrete coatings work to put a protective layer between the concrete and the surface spill. Penetrating concrete sealers are designed to reduce staining, while acrylic concrete sealers and concrete coatings are designed to stop concrete stains.
Concrete Sealers - Which Concrete Sealers Stop Concrete Stains?
The only way to truly stop concrete from staining is with an acrylic concrete sealer or a concrete coating. Acrylic concrete sealers and concrete coatings will put a protective layer over the concrete that is designed to take the abuse so that the concrete doesn’t. Certain stains, such as oil and gas, will require a stronger coating, like an epoxy or urethane. While acrylic concrete sealers can offer some resistance to oil and gas for a very short period of time, the oil and gas will eventually degrade the coating and stain it.
Penetrating concrete sealers can’t stop concrete stains completely because the surface of the concrete is fully exposed. Penetrating sealers work entirely below the surface and will not leave behind a film or coating.
Concrete Sealers - Which Concrete Sealers Protect Against Snow and Ice?
Penetrating concrete sealers and acrylic concrete sealers will help to protect concrete against damage and deterioration caused by snow and ice. Penetrating concrete sealers reduce damage by reducing the absorption of surface water, and acrylic concrete sealers stop damage by putting a surface film between the concrete and the snow and ice.
Concrete Sealers - Which Concrete Sealers Protect Against Oil and Gas?
While many concrete sealers are resistant to oil and gas, they can’t stop all oil and gas stains. Penetrating concrete sealers will slow down the movement of oil and gas, but because the concrete is fully exposed, oil and has stains will form. Acrylic concrete sealers are resistant to a point, but if the oil and gas is not immediately cleaned up, the acrylic sealer can degrade or stain. The only thing that will truly protect concrete against oil and gas is an epoxy or urethane coating, but those can only be used on interior concrete.
Concrete Sealers - Which Concrete Sealers Stop Hot Tire Pick-Up?
Penetrating concrete sealers will not cause hot tire pickup because they work entirely below the surface and can’t be removed. Acrylic concrete sealers and concrete coatings will vary from one manufacturer to the next. While Foundation Armor acrylic concrete sealers and concrete coatings will stop hot tire pickup, you will find that isn’t the case with similar concrete sealers and concrete coatings on the market. Foundation Armor concrete sealers and coatings are formulated with high quality, non-recycled resins so that they can offer superior performance abilities.
Concrete Sealers - Which Concrete Sealers Can Be Tinted?
Solvent based acrylic concrete sealers, and concrete coatings, can be tinted with a color. For a paint-like finish, solvent based acrylic concrete sealers can be tinted with an opaque color pack. For a semi-transparent tint that will still allow the concrete to be visible through the sealer, a semi-transparent tint back can be added. Concrete coatings will vary, but coatings like the Armor UTN60, and Armor UTX60 Gloss can be applied in a color for a high gloss paint like finish.
Concrete Sealers - Which Concrete Sealers Are Non-Slip?
Penetrating concrete sealers are naturally non-slip because they don’t leave behind a surface film or coating. The surface traction of the concrete will remain untouched and the concrete will look and feel exactly as it did before being sealed. Acrylic sealers will become slippery when wet because the water is left sitting on the surface, on top of the concrete sealer. In order to increase surface traction, a non-slip additive can be added to the acrylic concrete sealer.
Why Foundation Armor?
At Foundation Armor, we formulate and manufacture only the finest concrete sealers, epoxy and urethane sealers, as well as other coatings and complementary products. Our brand very closely aligns with our values and those values are reflected in the quality of our products, and in our level of customer service. Our products are designed to out-last and out-perform other competing brands, and our customer service is founded on the basis that developing long-term relationships are always a top priority. Here are a few things you will find when considering a Foundation Armor product such as our industry leading concrete sealers.
We use non-recycled resins in our products to ensure that high quality, pure ingredients are used in our formulations. They perform better and last longer than similar products on the market reducing discoloration from yellowing and minimizing premature coating failure
We provide the same great products formulated for industrial applications to both homeowners and contractors. We provide only the best for our entire customer base.
We are there for our customers from product selection to product application, and beyond. We strive for complete and total customer satisfaction and aim to create lasting relationships.
We are transparent in everything that we do, and everything that we write. We want our customers to choose a product because it is truly the best product for their application.
We have thousands of 5-Star reviews across all distributor channels, and hundreds of fantastic customer photos. Our amazing customers can attest to the quality, life, look, and performance of the products we manufacture.
We are a multi-generational family owned and operated business. We take pride in every product we release, and every sale, review, and relationship is very personal and important to us. Our amazing customer base, and our fantastic, talented employees, have made us a leader in the industry for over a decade.
In Kansas, experience the difference with our premium concrete sealers, specifically developed to excel in the Kansas climate, leaving traditional sealers in the dust
Our concrete sealers available in KS have been formulated to protect Kansas concrete driveways, stamped concrete driveways, stamped concrete, patios, walkways, pool decks, warehouse floors, natural stone and much more
In Kansas, When it comes to buying a concrete sealer for your concrete driveway, stamped concrete driveway, concrete, brick, natural stone or paver walkway, pool deck, or other concrete application like natural stone and manufactured stone products for fireplaces and artisan stone walls, count on Foundation Armor to offer maximum protection with our premium, industrial concrete sealers formulated with virgin, non-recycled resins so they can stand the test of time. Our concrete sealers including penetrating concrete sealers are available in KS and include water based concrete sealers as well as solvent based concrete sealers that offer a variety of finishes once dry, from wet look, to matte, low gloss, high-gloss and natural look finishes. In addition to being able to purchase our concrete sealers online through Lowes and Home Depot you can buy the same premium, industrial concrete sealers right here online through the Foundation Armor online store.
Fast and Free Same Day Shipping of All of Our Concrete Sealers to KS!
We understand you want the best concrete sealer in Kansas, and that buying consumer grade concrete sealers just because they are available locally in KS on the shelf is not something you want to do. You understand that using consumer grade concrete sealers, many formulated with recycled resins that dimmish the quality of a concrete sealer, and provide a product that tends to discolor, turn yellow, and fail prematurely, is not ideal, nor acceptable. In Kansas you can afford to buy Foundation Armor concrete sealers that are professional grade, use virgin, non-recycled resins and built to last. Everyone ships everything these days and shipping your concrete sealer to your home or business in KS is no exception, in fact it ships same day, includes free shipping, and will have you sealing your driveway, walkway, patio, floor in no time. Take the time to do the job right and have us deliver your concrete sealer to your door in Kansas. You don’t even have to go to your local KS hardware store for your concrete sealer if you don’t want to! But you can order from Home Depot and Lowes and have your concrete sealer shipped to your local Lowes or Home Depot store for pickup or delivery to your Kansas home or business.
You can find our concrete sealers in KS at the following locations or you can order directly here through the Foundation Armor website for free, same day shipping to your home.
For the ultimate convenience in obtaining your concrete sealer in KS, order online and pick up your purchase at your preferred location among our extensive network of KS pickup points.
For concrete sealer pickup in KS you can order online and pickup at this KS location.
For a comprehensive list of Lowes and Home Depot locations where you can have your online Lowes or Home Depot concrete sealer ordered delivered please click here!
The WB15 is a water based acrylic cure and seal designed to enhance and protect new and existing concrete, and concrete pavers with a low gloss finish.
The Armor AG Brown Seal is a solvent-based acrylic sealer designed to enhance and protect concrete with a semi-transparent brown tinted high gloss finish.
The Armor UTX60 High Gloss is a water-based color-optional high gloss urethane coating designed to offer superior protection against damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion, vehicle traffic, and chemical spills.
The Armor UTX60 Matte is a water-based matte/low gloss urethane coating designed to offer superior protection against damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion, vehicle traffic, and chemical spills.
The Armor Wax – Matte is designed to instantly enhance sealed and unsealed interior concrete surfaces, and revive old concrete coatings with an attractive, lasting matte finish.
The Armor Wax – Gloss is designed to instantly enhance sealed and unsealed interior concrete surfaces, and revive old concrete coatings with an attractive, lasting high gloss finish.
The Armor UTX60 High Gloss is a water-based color-optional high gloss urethane coating designed to offer superior protection against damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion, vehicle traffic, and chemical spills.
The Armor UTX60 Matte is a water-based matte/low gloss urethane coating designed to offer superior protection against damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion, vehicle traffic, and chemical spills.
The Armor Wax – Matte is designed to instantly enhance sealed and unsealed interior concrete surfaces, and revive old concrete coatings with an attractive, lasting matte finish.
The Armor Wax – Gloss is designed to instantly enhance sealed and unsealed interior concrete surfaces, and revive old concrete coatings with an attractive, lasting high gloss finish.
The WB15 is a water based acrylic cure and seal designed to enhance and protect new and existing concrete, and concrete pavers with a low gloss finish.
The Armor AG Brown Seal is a solvent-based acrylic sealer designed to enhance and protect concrete with a semi-transparent brown tinted high gloss finish.
The Armor Blush Repair is a solvent based acrylic coating repair designed to repair white spots, blushing, hazing, and bubbles that may appear on acrylic coatings.
The Armor UTN60 is a 60% solids solvent-based high gloss aliphatic urethane coating designed to offer superior protection against damage and deterioration caused by surface abrasion, vehicle traffic, and oil and gas.
The Armor AX25 is a solvent based siloxane-infused high gloss acrylic sealer. It offers superior water repellency benefits, making it the perfect sealer for pool decks and areas constantly exposed to water.