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10 Reasons You Should Seal Your Pavers

Pavers are an investment, and like anything else of value, it is important to protect your investment. In order to keep pavers looking as good as the day they were installed, or better, it is important to use a good paver sealer. Here are the top 10 benefits of sealing your pavers:

  1. Sealing pavers will help to reduce damage and deterioration caused by the absorption of water.
  2. Sealing pavers will help to reduce the growth of mold and mildew on the surface.
  3. Sealing pavers will help to reduce staining caused by water, and surface spills.
  4. Sealing pavers can help to reduce fading caused by surface abrasion.
  5. Sealing pavers can help to reduce discoloration caused by exposure the elements.
  6. Sealing pavers can help to reduce the formation of efflorescence on the surface.
  7. Sealing pavers can help to reduce surface dusting caused by foot and vehicle traffic.
  8. Sealing pavers can help to reduce deterioration and staining caused by salt and fresh water pool systems.
  9. Sealing pavers can help to extend the life of the pavers.
  10. Sealing pavers can enhance or bring out dull or faded pavers.

There are so many benefits to sealing pavers, it is hard to list them all. The type of sealer you use will determine how the sealer can protect the pavers.

The most common types of paver sealers are:

  • Water Repellent Sealers – Water repellent sealers penetrate into the paver where they chemically react to form a hydrophobic barrier within the pores. They won’t leave a visible surface film and work entirely below the surface. By reducing the absorption of water on the surface, damage and deterioration caused by water absorption will also be reduced. The Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB are great choices if you don’t want to change the look or color of the pavers, and the Armor WL550 is a great option if you’d like a slight color enhancement.
  • Acrylic Sealers – Acrylic sealers offer many of the same benefits as a water repellent sealer, but they also offer a few more. Acrylic sealers leave a protective surface film over the pavers, providing total protection against damage and deterioration caused by water absorption, staining, and surface abrasion. Water based acrylic sealers like the Armor WB15 and Armor WB25 will provide an attractive low to high gloss finish, and solvent based acrylic sealers like the Armor AR350 and AR500 will provide a wet look and a low to high gloss finish.

If you have questions about choosing the best paver sealer, contact a Foundation Armor technician for help with product selection, or to order samples.

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The Armor AX25 is a solvent based siloxane-infused high gloss acrylic sealer. It offers superior water repellency benefits, making it the perfect sealer for pool decks and areas constantly exposed to water.


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